You spoke, I froze.

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The next morning wasn't the normal morning of my life. I was definitely not a morning person but that morning was different. I woke up all by myself even without an alarm. This was totally crazy.

After I got up, I woke Alan up and made some break fast for both of us. He left after finishing his breakfast as he had a soccer practice at noon and before that he had to head home.

It was exactly one hour before the time that the guy told he would come to the shop.

I wanted to dress up well and pretty today. I usually did not care what I looked like but today for some reason I wanted to look good for someone.

All I had in my mind was that today either by hook or by crook, I would start a conversation with him. If not, I would atleast get to know his name.

After 45 minutes of getting ready, I left home wearing some skinny jeans, a floral shirt and my favourite converse. I even applied light make-up and left my hair open.

My friends always told me that the most prettiest part of my body was my long, shiny and bouncy brunette hair. I always felt proud of my hair. I loved it.

I reached the instrument store exactly at the same time as yesterday. I went in and looked around but there was no trace of him. I looked around a bit more and even waited for half an hour acting as if I was really there to buy an instrument but he did not arrive.

As I was standing there like a complete idiot, the lady owner walked towards me. From what I heard, I think her name was Jane.

"Can I help you sweety? I can see you have been in this store for quite sometime and I can see that you are confused."

I looked at her with a surprised face. How did she even notice my expressions? I wasn't standing anywhere near her until she came up to me. I had to make up an excuse or something to stay in the store for a longer time if I wanted to see him.

"I was just thinking which one of the instrument would be good for me to start learning." I lied to her with a sweet smile.

"My dear, any instrument would be good enough for you to learn. You just have to find which one is the one you want to learn."

She patted my arms and left towards the counter where one of the customer was standing. I kept looking at her.

I could sense that she was a very warm person. I could see from her face that she was a kind hearted lady to whom we could all go for advices.

I was lost in the thoughts about the lady and her life. The thing that made me come back to reality was when he entered the store.

I was taken aback. My breath got stuck in my throat. I couldn't feel my limbs and all I could feel was the butterflies in my stomach.

He walked towards Jane and was talking with her but I couldn't hear it. All I could hear was the speed heartbeats inside my chest.

I was looking towards him. Not looking, staring rather.

At the same time, he turned towards me. I was in shock. He started walking towards me. My legs started to tremble. He stopped in front of me. My heart stopped. He opened his mouth to say something. I kept staring.

"Excuse me but can you step aside so that I can change the strings of the guitar behind you?"

I couldn't reply. I froze. I only remember stepping a little aside so that he could grab the guitar, nothing else.

I kept staring at him while he sat on the stool in da corner and changed the strings.

I was planning to start a conversation with him today, but I could'nt. Instead, when he talked to me, I froze. I am pathetic.

I looked away from him feeling a pinch of sadness in me. When my head mobed towards the counter, I saw Jane looking at me with a smile on her lips.

Oh my god. Did she notice? Did she come to know that I was staring at him?

She raised her hand and motioned me to come closer towards her. I went to the counter. She was still smiling. But this was not a surprising thing.

The most surprising thing was the words she spoke next.

"What is your name, dear?"

I replied softly " It is Brianna Brown."

"Dear Brianna, you really want to know which instrument you want to learn right? Well I have an offer for you. I want two employees this summer. One is the boy you were staring at and you can be the other. If you agree to work this summer here, I will get another employee and you can spend time with all these instruments and choose the one you like and learn it. That boy can teach you any thing you want to learn. "

After she let out these words, I was in complete shock. I thought for a while. She was right. She needed an employee. I needed to figure out my thoughts. Not about any instruments though, but about him.

I looked at the lady and gave her a genuine smile and told her-

"Thank you ma'am. You solved two problems at the same time. I will surely work with you all but you have to answer one question of mine before that."

She looked at me and still keeping up her smile she told- "Call me Jane, Brianna. What is the question? "

"You can call me Bri" I looked at her and then looked at him and I asked her the question which I really wanted to for a long time."What is his name?"

I looked at Jane with a blush and then she opened her mouth to tell me his name. I died a little.

"It is Caleb Lanter."

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