Perfection v/s Bravery

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Standing in my balcony, drinking coffee with Caleb felt amazing.

It was not only because I was drinking coffee made by him, with him but also because he spoke to me like that same Caleb who shared his past stories with me, who played twenty questions to know me, even though we couldn't complete it. That same Caleb who teased me about that text and the one who appriciated my presence.

I felt comfortable with this side of him. I felt like I knew him for like ever not just for two weeks.

I never liked that side of him where he turns complete cold, heartless jerk who couldn't care less about others. He often turned this way and ignored me the entire day and I hated it.

I know that he needed time to trust people but that doesn't mean he had to ignore them and act like he didn't care.

He was a good guy. I knew this. He just had two sides. Everybody does but he wasn't afraid to show it.

He did not hide his dark side like everyone did. He wasn't a coward and I respected him for that. This was the Caleb Lanter I have known and observed for two entire weeks.

After the coffee, I stood there with him for quite sometime. We talked about current matters in New York. We talked about our mothers being besties. We talked about our friends. But we did not talk about thing I wanted to talk the most about, Us.

It was fine . He was atleast talking to me and I was happy about it even though I wasn't satisfied.


Monday morning, I woke up with a call from an unknown number. I got into a dilemma whether I should pick it up or not. I usually do not pick up calls from an unknown number and it was early morning. But it must be important for someone to call at 6 o'clock in the morning, so I picked it up.

"Hello" I said  putting the cellphone over my ear.

"Goodmorning Brianna, sorry for disturbing you early morning."

It was a known voice. I just couldn't make out who it was.

"Yea, its alright. Can I know are?" I said trying to speak in a less sleepy manner.

"Oh I'm sorry, its me Nick."

"Oh hi Nick, what can I do for you?" I was kinda surprised. I wasn't expecting Nick to call me. That also early morning.

"I was hoping if I could see you today? I have some important paper works to do. I was hoping if you could help me with it." He said softly. I was sure even he was still in bed.

"Yeah sure, but I have work till 5-30" I said as a matter of fact.

"Yeah so do I. But you do have lunch break right?" He asked.

"Oh yeah. I can meet you then. I'll tell my co-worker that I need to extend my lunch break for a while." I was just hoping for Caleb to say yes to my request.

"Yeah I guess I'll do that too. So text me your address to this number, its mine. Ill pick you up at 1." He said.

"Yeah sure, see you then." I hung up.

Out of all his friends, why did Nick choose me to help him with his work? I was kind of surprised at that too. It was weird.


"Hey Caleb, can I extend my lunch break for a bit today? I have some work with a friend."

I was sitting in the counter reading a book, and Caleb was tuning the guitar strings. He hadn't been talking much today and even the customers were less so I thought why not read. I had a book lying with me for a few days, so I carried it so that I could read it when I get some time.

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