The smirking loner.

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A few days passed by since I started working. Things were not that great as I had expected. He hardly spoke to me, he just passed a word or two when needed.

Needed in a sense when I had to make a bill or discount for someone. He just guided me here and there.

The job wasn't that hard but it was tiring. I had to stand at the counter all day and hardly got to sit. It was usually crowded because during summer people took music classes and they bought instruments but it was kind of cool working there.

After getting home, I usually ate my dinner and went to sleep. I didn't really have time to spend with my friends or my family.

It was Thursday today. Fourth day already since I started working. 7 days since I have met or rather seen him.

I left home little early that day as before going to work I was meeting Alan. He said he wanted to talk to me about something so he wanted to walk me to my work.

I met him few houses away from mine. He was standing there in quarter jeans and a soccer shirt. He looked happy.

"Hey Bri" he greeted.

"Hello. So shall we?" I said showing him the direction towards the store. "what is it that you wanna talk about?"

"Well, there is something that I wanted to share a long time ago but I just couldn't until I figured it out myself. I wanted to be sure about it first." He said slightly blushing. He was looking down on the floor as we walked through the park that led to the store

"What is it Alan? Tell me." I was always a patient girl but my curiosity level was always at its peak.

"Umm...there is someone I like" he was totally looking in the other direction.

"Oh my god man. Who is it?" he did not speak for a while. "Just tell me already. Do I know her?"

He looked at me for a while. His cheeks has a tinge of pink. "Yes, you know her."

"Tell me. Tell me. Who is this lucky girl?" I asked teasing him.

"It's Sandra. Please don't tell her. I wanna do it myself." he looked at me totally embarrassed.

"Omg omg! How? when? Tell me everything in detail." By now we had reached the door of the shop. It was open telling that Caleb was already in.

Jane and Peter had left  for their vacation yesterday so it would be just me and him for three weeks now.

"Looks like we have reached your destination. Why dont you give me a call before you leave from work in the evening. We can hang out for a while and I'll give you all the glory details?"

Alan said with a smile.

"Sure then. I'll see you later?" I smiled back at him.

"Yeah." He hugged me just after that. I hugged him back and whispered "I'm so happy for you."

He just gave me a nod after letting me go and walked away waving a little.

With a smile and a warm feeling, I went inside the shop. Caleb was in the counter scribbling on a paper. I placed my bag on the counter table and went to the other side. There were no customers yet.

"Seems like you had a cozy time with your boyfriend early morning" Caleb said still looking down and scribbling on that paper.

"First thing, he is not my boyfriend. He is my bestfriend.

Second, we were not getting.cozy, he was just dropping me here.

Third, goodmorning. That is the first thing you should say before judging anthing or anyone."I replied with a little louder voice than his.

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