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"You want to know about it? Then fine listen!" Caleb paused his scream. He looked at me with his cold eyes and finally said, "I killed my own father."

I looked up at him and widened my eyes in disbelief. My heart beat frantically and I forgot how to breathe. It look me a while to regain my balance.

"I don't believe you!" I said bitterly with my feelings pouring out of my heart. "You told me he died in a car accident."

"He did, but it was my fault he died. This means I killed him." He said turning red with anger and remorse.

I walked towards him with all my might and touched his shoulder gently. He flinched a little.

"You didn't kill him. It was an accident." I said trying to calm him down even though I didn't know the entire story properly.

Chris was still standing there looking at both of us with no words from his mouth. When he saw that Caleb and I needed time, he nodded at me and then went inside the room.

After Chris left, Caleb turned away from me and then gave a huge sigh and said, "You don't know anything Brianna, so don't judge the situation without knowing it properly."

"Then tell me Caleb, what is the actual situation." I asked him with my full concern.

"I can't, I'm a big coward Brianna. You'll hate me." He spoke in a soft voice.

"I can never hate you, you know that. But still if you think I don't deserve to her the truth then it's okay." I replied with a little disappointment.

"It's not about the truth, it's about the fact that you deserve someone better than me. If I tell you the truth then you will get intertwined with my life and I don't want you to enter that mess." He said still looking away.

I know it was evil of me but I laughed out loud. I laughed not because he was sad, or his life was a big mess but because he said I would get intertwined in his life if I get to know the truth when in fact I had already been intertwined with him the first day I saw him.

He looked at me with his eyes narrowed and then I spoke, "I was intertwined in your life the first day I saw you Caleb. I think it's too late to warn me about it."I said it with a bitter tone.

"What do you mean by the first day? You mean the day we started working together?" He asked with a little curiosity.

"No, it was a few days back. You had come to pick up a gift for Vanessa and I saw you for the first time. That was the day that I knew that my life would never be the same again." I spoke out. I had to do it.

I told him the truth not to make him believe that I was in love with him, but to tell him that I would not judge him based on his past. I told him the truth because if I wouldn't have done it now, I guess he would never know it too. I opened up to him expecting him to open up back with me.

"Are you trying to say that you knew me before we met officially?" He was still confused,  I mean who wouldn't be.

"I didn't know you Caleb, but yes, I was fascinated by you. Even though I didn't know what it was but you used all your emotions and energy for just a small guitar piece. I didn't even know your name back then but still your face had a story behind that made me drawn towards you.  I came to know the real you only when we became friends but I think working with you was the best decision I have ever made." I answered with all the honesty left in me.

He looked up at me and blinked a few times. He gave a deep sigh and asked me at last, "You mean that you joined the store because you were drawn towards me and not because you needed money for college or wanted to learn an instrument?"

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