The Mysterious Musician.

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"Good morning sleepy head." I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around rubbing my eyes with my fingers. It was Chris.

He was already dressed up with his hair wet and a good pair of jeans hanging loose on his waist. He was in a light blue t-shirt with something written on it but before I could read what it was, he brought me back to reality.

He asked, "Are you done checking me out?"

I looked a him in disbelief and quickly covered up my mistake by saying, "I'm not interested in checking you out or anything,  I was just thinking."

"Thinking about?" He asked with a smirk.

"How can people be so ugly." I replied with a smug face.

"Says the girl who is still in her pajamas and her hair defying the gravity." He answered with a small chuckle.

I quickly ran my fingers through my hair and tried to fix it. Chris was still standing there with his arms folded waiting for my reply so I asked him, "I've got an excuse that I just woke up. What excuse do you have for being so ugly?"

He was definitely not ugly. I mean he could an actor if not a musician, but I had to defend myself.

"Well, anyone who is interested in my cousin will definitely find me ugly." Now he poked me in my weakest point. I blushed.

"You know what? You are so funny. You can't defend yourself and then you pull Caleb in between." I said trying to defend his words.

"Who said I was talking about Caleb? I have other cousins too you know." He said with a huge grin. "Is it that little Brianna is interested in Caleb?" He ruffled my hair.

I looked at him and then without flinching I said, "First of all I'm not little,  I'm nearly 18. And second it's none of your business that I'm interested in Caleb or not, but to fulfill your curiosity, I'm not interested in your cousin." I lied.

"Are you sure you are not interested in Caleb?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

I nodded hesitantly. I mean the whole world doesn't have to know that I was in love with Caleb right?

He turned his smirk into a smile and then said pulling me off guard, "Go on a date with me then."

"What?" I asked with my eyes wide open.

"You heard me right, go on a date with me." He answered repeating his sentence.

"You're asking me out on a date as if you are ordering me to do it." I said with a scoff.

"Should I get on my knees and ask you out? I mean if you want I can do that." He said fluttering his eyebrows like a girl.

"You talk as if you are doing me a favour you know, by asking me out? I don't think I'm interested in that." I said the truth.

"I am doing you a favour." He said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"You can always go out with me to make Caleb jealous." He smirked.

"No ways, it's too cliché. Going out with the elder brother to make the younger one jealous. I can't do that." I answered shaking my head.

"But it always works, doesn't it? Or you are too scared that you'll end up falling for me in place of him." He looked at me with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"God, get over yourself." I said walking out of the room.

"I wish I could but, think about it." I heard him say from behind as I slammed the door shut behind me.

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