The Surprising Dinner.

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Past few months, I had experienced different kinds of emotions.  Yes, I felt butterflies in my stomach,  I felt anger, hatred and even pain.  I also felt more attractions and I guess I felt a little bit of infatuation too. But today was I was feeling nervous.

Why am I nervous? Well, that's because I was having dinner with my mom and her boyfriend,  Mr Harris. She told me that he wanted to meet me and to get to know me. Isn't that great? Well, absolutely not!

I wanted to meet him too, but I was scared that I would like him and then he would end up leaving my mom like my dad did. I was happy that she was finally trusting people again but I didn't not want her to get hurt in the end. But who knows, he might be different. Every one deserves a chance.

Mr Harris was a doctor, a Pediatrician. As far as my mom has told me, he was actually from Chicago, but had shifted here to start over after his wife died two years ago. He had a son, who was in college.

So today, I was having dinner with Mr Harris and his son along with my mother.  My mom wanted to meet his son too. We'll you can see the progress in their relationship clearly.

The entire Friday at school, I kept nervously blabbing about the dinner at my house with Mr Harris and his son. All of my friends tried to calm me down, but I felt like I could explode any moment because I was afraid that Mr Harris would not turn out to be the kind of man I had imagined.

What if he is some psycho trying to lure me and my mom in his world and will kill us in the end? 

He is a known doctor Bri, calm down.

Ok, but what if his son is a sick druggie?

Patricia introduced Mr Harris to my mom. He has to be good.

All sorts of stuffs in my brain were making me feel more nervous. Even if I was looking forward to this day for a long time, I still felt very nervous about it. Even Caleb tried to tell me that it's gonna be alright, but nope, it didn't help either.

I was ranting about how Mr Harris had sent me boxes of chocolates, Caleb finally said, "Don't worry, it's not gonna be that bad. It will be fine."

I looked at him in disbelief and said, "How can you be so sure?"

"Because my mom knows him and she said he is a good man." Caleb said nodding.

We were walking home together from school. It was a Friday night so we had initially planned to go for a movie but then my mom came up telling us that she had invited Mr Harris and his son for dinner.

"But what if he is not good?  What if he is some creepy psycho?" I

asked still not believing him.

He laughed out loud and then shaking his head said, "He isn't. But if it still helps you then know that I'll be beside you when you have dinner with them."

"No you wont. It is just me, Mom, Mr Harris and his son." I said as a.matter of fact.

"Nope, your mother invited me and my mom too." He said shrugging a little.

"Are you sure my mom is dating Mr Harris and not your mom?" I asked. He laughed harder this time so I continued, "The way they are being bffs these days, make me wonder you know."

He was still laughing catching his stomach and then he nodded his head and said in between his laughs,"Trust me. I feel the same sometimes."

I joined his laughter and whe finally reached home. He waved me good bye and then said, "See you later."

"Yeah, see you later." I replied as I entered my house. My mom took an off day today so that she can prepare for the dinner so she was still home.

"Hey Mom, Caleb and his mom is joining us too?" I asked as I entered the kitchen. My mom wasn't alone, Patricia was there along with her and then when she saw me, she engulfed me into one of her cozy hugs. God, I loved it.

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