The evening dedicated to him.

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Time flew fast.

Not like it was in a fast forward mode but fast as in, the activities I was around made it look like I had no time to spare for myself. I had to go to school and being a senior meant double work. My mom got discharged just ten days after her accident and due to her fractured leg, she was in bed rest. This meant house work too so Tasha and I took turns to do it. The time I got after going to school and doing the house work, was spent in making Caleb's last days in Manhattan the best.

Tasha and Patricia were very supportive and maybe because of them, I could spare some time for my friends. As for Tasha, she took a months leave from her university, I hoped she'd be able to make up for it as she was trying to cope up through some online course.

James was another breeze of fresh air in my days of darkness. He came to check on mom almost every day and brought Ethan along with him two times. Maybe they really wanted to be a part of our small family, so I let them in.

As for my friends, they were always there holding my back. Alan dropped by every alternate day along with Sandra, Nora came to help me with the house work, when it was my turn and even did homeworks with me so that I would be able to catch up with the classes I had missed after the accident.

Nick being the gentleman he always was, came time to time to make me feel better and everytime he showed up, he would end up helping me cook, or talk about Nora. Yes, he was totally head over heels for her and they had a date planned the day after Caleb's departure to Los Angeles.

Talking about Caleb,  he was leaving tomorrow.  Yes! The time passed really in the speed of light. After my mom was settled down, we took time to organise few activities for Caleb, like we went to zoo, once had a sleepover at Nora's place with another set of movie marathon. We took part in the treasure hunt competition taking place nearby and we also went on a picnic by the river.

I could manage to attend these things all because of Tasha and Patricia. They didn't let me miss out on any.

Caleb was not happy about leaving but he knew that he had to, so he tried to enjoy as much as he could. He was there for me all these while so tonight, I had planned on having a farewell dinner party for him, at my house so that my mom would be able to attend.

It wasn't a surprise because I hardly got time to plan for it, and I took help from Nick, his best friend and his mom.

I invited my family, meaning mom and Tasha, also James and Ethan. His mom was obviously invited along with his cousin Venessa who happend to be in the city for the weekend and his grand parents (Nick gave them the invites), but because of their friends funeral, they wouldn't be able to come so it would just be his mom and Venessa from his family. As for friends, obviously our group was invited.

It was just a small farewell dinner party consisting of just twelve people, and it wasn't something flashy, it was a simple get together  organised by us.

Nora and Alan, helped me to set up the table in our backyard with lights hung up. The weather was slightly chilly, so we had set up a small tent like covering so that it wouldn't be cold.

Sandra being a chef's daughter had asked her dad to prepare a dinner for us, so Sandra and Nick went to help them at their restaurant, because Nick was a good cook.

Patricia and Caleb had gone to attend the funeral of Caleb's grandpa's friend, so they would arrive later along with Vanessa.


After the backyard was decorated and set up perfectly,  Alan went home to get dressed up. We planned on making this dinner a formal one, so we had to be dressed formally too. As for Nora,  she had already brought her dress along with her so we got dressed together.

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