The first sight

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I had been a complete mess lately. All thanks to my final exams. I know I had no right to complain but who likes exams?

I sat in my room with a relief that I was now finally getting a months holiday. A break that I really needed. A break that I deserved. But what am I going to do in this break? Well, its obvious. I am going to forget about everything and basically about everybody (except a few ofcourse) and enjoy.

That was my perfect plan.

Being excited about the holidays, I called up my best friend Nora. She picked up in the second ring.

"You ready?" I asked her in a most exciting manner.

"Well Bri, thers is something I need to tell you." She said so softly that I knew at once there was something wrong.

She continued, "Something came up at home. I'm sorry but I don't think I can leave today. I'm really sorry Bri but I need to stay here. I'll fill up the details later. I gotta go. I'll call ya at evening."

"Its ok, N. Just take care alright. We can go summer shopping some other day." Saying this I cut the call. I totally understood she needed to stay at home.

Nora wasn't the type to bail out at the last moment. I was sure something was really wrong. She told me she'll fill in the details later so I thought I should not bug her by asking her the matter again and again.

Now what the hell am I going to do. All my other friends had plans with their families. I even canceled my plan with my mom and sister to hang out with Nora. Moreover by now, my mom and sister should have reached my Grandma's place. I can't even hang out with them.

There is only one option left for me to do. Go out alone and enjoy. I really don't want to stay home on my first day of vacation.

Grabbing my sling bag, cellphone and a purse, I left home. I hopped into a cab and went to my favorite place in the entire town. Bookstore.

Well I'm not technically a nerd but books are a part of me. I love reading. I may not be the one who sits in the corner and reads all day long but before going to bed if I don't read even a single page, I don't have a good sleep. I'm basically addicted to reading. Not studying, just reading.

I went inside the bookstore and searched around for a good book. I finally found one. It was written by Khaled Hosseini, A Thousand Splendid Suns. I read the description given at the back side and I found it very interesting. I went to pay for it.

"Your choice in books are very good." The lady in the counter smiled and said to me.

"Thank you". I replied smiling at her and paid her.

As I left the bookstore, I walked towards the park. Attached to the bookstore building was an instrument store. While crossing it to go towards the park, I had a sudden urge to explore the store.

Without thinking twice, I got inside.

I was surrounded by all sorts of instruments. I walked through the store trying to imagine what would I be like if I knew how to play a musical instrument. I never got the real chance or interest I can say, to play one of all these.

I really did not need to learn either. I had a perfect planning for my future and I was sure that playing an instrument would not help anything in it.

I wandered around the room admiring all the stuffs I could see. They were all beautiful.

I was planning to leave the room and continue towards park, when suddenly something caught my eye.

It wasn't actually something, it was someone. A boy, around my age was sitting on a stool in the corner and was playing with the strings of guitar. I walked nearer so that I could hear what he was playing.

I did not recognize the music but it was mind blowing. I can't think of anything else to describe it.

I stood there, completely mesmerized. I had a sudden feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was nothing like I have ever felt before. The sound of strings made me go crazy. I was lost in the moment.

I came back into reality when the boy got up and walked towards the counter. He handed the guitar to the owner.

In order to listen to his voice, I leaned closer. Without him noticing of course.

He looked at his watch and then told the owner "Can you please pack it up? Gift wrap please. Its my cousins birthday day after so I'm taking it for her." His voice was amazing. Soft and melodious.

After the gift was wrapped, the boy wrote something on a card on top of it.

Then he turned towards the cashier, paid him and politely said-"Can I ask you a favour? please keep this guitar here for tonight. It is a surprise gift, and I do not want my cousin to see it when she comes home for dinner tonight. I'll come here at the same time tomorrow and pick it up." Saying this he smiled.

The owner looked at him and smiled at him. "I would have kept it even if you would have just asked me to. You do not have to say everything. Its not like you are a stranger."

A small smile spread across my face when the man said those words. It showed how sincere the boy was and the man trusted him.

Suddenly a lady appeard from behind the owner and asked the boy "Look who is here? Son, how have you been? You have grown so tall since the last time I saw you. When are you planning to join work again? Don't forget your place is still there."

The boy scratched his head a little and said- "Hi Jane. I was planing to join from next monday. Thank you so much for letting me work here every summer. You look lovely like before." he flashed a grin towards her.

"I would love to chat with you a little bit longer but I promised Mom I would help her with some work. so, I gotta go. Thank you once again Peter and Jane. See you tomorrow." Saying this,

the boy smiled at them, waved a little and left the store.

I felt bad. I couldnt even look at him properly, forget about knowing his name.

But there was something inside me telling things that I never wanted to hear.

I have to know him. I want to be his friend. I want to talk to him. I dont know what will happen but I know that this is the beginning of something. Something very big.

To know this, I knew what I had to do. I had to come back tomorrow.

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Love and care. :-*

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