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"Ok," said Colby to his friends "Let's knock this out of the park because if we do can be here every week!"
" And you'd hate that. I mean how else would you get to stare at the cute red head behind the bar, " chuckled Joe.
Colby can't help but blush "You saw that?!"
" Stevie Wonder saw that Goober, "said Tay.
Everyone but Colby laughed.
" Can we take this a bit serious please? "said a clearly flustered Colby.
" Of course we can, "said Thea seeing it effected Colby a bit more than to her liking "Come on guys if we nail this we have a steady gig every week!!Now hands in!"
Thea put her hand out palm down as Tom put his massive hand compared to Thea's  on top of her hand, Joe put his hand on top of Tom's hand,Colby followed suit and so did Tay.
"On the count of three!!" said Tay "Midnight Wolf!!!!"
" One! "said Tom and Thea
" Two!"said Joe.
"Three!" said Colby and Tay.
" Midnight Wolf!!!! "they all said in unison.
They took the stage and Colby and Tom put there guitars on. Colby and Tay adjusts their microphones.
" Hello!!!! "said Colby into the mic.
Becky looks up and her mouth drops. Fuck he is the lead singer?! she thought.
Leah,Coco and Gionna are standing there trying the hardest not to dissolve into laughter at Becky's reaction to seeing who the handsome stranger was.
" I knew it, "said Leah.
" Yep you called it Leah, "smiled Coco.
" Did you guys notice he has been staring at her all night too? "asks Gionna.
The other two nod their heads.
" Sure did, "said Leah.
" Ditto, "said Coco.
Colby begins the opening cords of Toby Keith's You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This .
As the dance floor begins to fill up. Leah,Gionna and Coco know they can go take a five minute break. Becky leans on the bar head in hands and watched Colby strum the guitar and sing.
She is mesmerized by him. The confidence he had on that stage made him even sexier. Colby sees Becky staring and he nods his head towards her and smiles. Becky blushes and quickly cleans the bar again. Colby smiles at her reaction and continued to play and sing.
When Colby launches into the next song I Can Love You Like That by John Michael Montgomery.
When Colby gets to the Chorus he looks straight at Becky.

I can love you like that
I will make you my world
Move heaven and earth
If you were my girl
I would give you my heart
Be all that you need
Show you you're everything
That's precious to me
If you give me a chance
I can love you like that

Nothing else but the two of them matter. Becky swears her heart stopped at least three times during that chorus.
The moment Tom began playing Little Red Wagon by Miranda Lambert and Tay has her moment to shine the moment between Colby and Becky is broken.
Becky jumps when Thea appeared in front of her.
"You okay Becky?" asks Thea with a raised eyebrow.
"Me?" said Becky pointing at herself.
"You're the only Becky behind the bar right?" asks Thea.
"Oh yeah," laughs Becky.
What the fuck Rebecca what is wrong with you?! He is just a guy!!! Get it together!!! thought Becky.
"Can I have six more waters?" asks Thea.
"Sure can," said Becky shaking off the butterflies that were in her stomach.
At that precise moment Colby starts singing I Melt by Rascal Flats.
Becky finds herself absent mindedly swaying to him singing.
"Our girl has got a crush ya'll," said Leah as she watched from the kitchen.
Gionna and Coco are on either side of Leah. The three of them smile at each other.
"Guess it's a good thing they are so damn good," said Coco "Windham is going to have em back no doubt.Look at this crowd."
" Mmmhmmmm, "said Leah and Gionna.
"What are you three staring at? "said Windham behind them.
All three jump.
" Sorry Boss, " they said.
"We are just watching this crowd. They are dancing and ordering drinks left and right. We were just taking our five minute break, "said Coco.
Windham looks out the kitchen window too and sees all the people dancing. Some had bottles of beer in their hand while they danced to the band. Becky was running around like a mad woman giving the ones at the bar their orders as they are bobbing their heads to the music.
Windham turns to the girls.
" Tell Becky to see me. Coco take over the bar for five while I talk to Becky, " said Windham.
"You got it sir," said Coco ad she hurried off to get Becky while the other two hurried out to get orders.
"Becky!Windham wants to see you. I have the bar," said Coco "Go ahead."
Becky wipes her hands and throws the bar rag at Coco.

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