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Becky and Leah's Apartment

The next morning as the sun had already risen more than five hours ago. The girls are just rising from the "dead." Becky wipes the sleep from her eyes before stretching and pulling the blanket off her legs.
She set her feet on the floor and stretched again.
She grabbed her bathrobe and pulled it on as she stood.
Leah was already in the kitchen getting coffee prepared.
"Hey," smiled Leah brightly.
"Hey," said Becky grabbing a coffee mug from the cabinet.
"How was the lunch date before your break down?" asked Leah pouring almond milk on her cereal .
"It was good," said Becky pouring almond milk onto her cereal.
Leah smiled at Becky "Bex I am so happy for you," said Leah eating  a spoonful of cereal "Colby seems really sweet and to be perfectly honest with you. In the four days well five days we have known him. He is a sweet guy. The way he carried you into the house and cared about you after you opened up that piece of your heart that is so sacred to you. He is a million times better than Jeff."
" You got that right, "smiled Becky.

Joe's place

Joe had invited Colby,Tay,Tom,Thea and Luke over for breakfast before the band meeting. Everyone  which included Joe's wife and three children sat around the dinning room  table having pancakes, eggs, toast, bacon and sausage for the adults it also included coffee and the kids had fresh squeezed orange juice.
"Galina," said Colby "This is an amazing spread. Thanks for having me."
Galina smiles and nods "Thanks Colby.Our pleasure," said Galina taking Joe's hand.
Joe smiles at her "Exactly you guys are family."
" So Colby what is this I hear about someone named Becky? "said Galina taking a sip of coffee.
Colby blushes "She is a wonderful woman I just met and well have quite frankly fallen for rather quickly."
" She really is a sweetheart, "said Thea.
" She's the one that booked us at Wyatt's, "said Tay popping a piece of pancake in her mouth.
" Hmm remind me to her for that it makes sure Joe is home every night. "
"I like that too," said Joe.
"You'll have to bring her to JoJo's birthday party next week Saturday," said Galina "I'd like to meet her."
" I'll text her now to see if she wants to come so you'll already know, "said Colby grabbing his cellphone.

Hey Becky. How are you
doing this morning.
I have a question for you.


Next week Saturday is
my goddaughter JoJo's
10th birthday party.
And her mother would like to
know if you want to come?!

Sounds good!What time next


Ok I'll come.😊

" She said she'd come, "said Colby smiling.
" Good, "smiled Galina "I can't wait to meet her."
" You'll love her Galina, "said Colby eating some eggs "One thing though."
" What's that? "
"She's a vegetarian," said Colby.
"That's fine," said Galina "We always order vegetarian pizza for parties because we have other vegetarian friends too."
" So Goober are you going to tell us about the date or not? " asks Tay
"Not,"said Colby.
" You're not fun, "pouted Tay.
" Tay he has a right to his privacy, "said Joe with a shrug "Aside from that we can see the stars in his eyes. I think we can all figure out how it went."
Colby glanced up at Joe and mouths 'Thank you.' Joe shrugged he was a year older but had gotten sick when he was a kid so he was a year behind the kids who were the same age as he is.Joe protected Colby and Tay for that matter like his kid siblings. So anyone hurt them everyone knew they had to answer to Joe. Since Joe is 6'5" and weighed in at almost 250 pounds in high school they knew enough not to go there.


Becky pulled into her parking spot almost an hour early. Windham had called her and told her to come in. Of course Becky was nervous. She walked to Windham's office. She knocks.
"Come on it," said Windham.
Becky enters to see Thea and a man she didn't recognize.
Thea smiles at her as Becky took a seat next to Thea.
"What's going on Windham?"
"Thea.Becky. This here," he said indicating the man "Is Mitchell Porter. He heard Midnight Wolf two nights ago and well I think I will let Mitchell tell you."
Mitchell nods and stands. If Becky had to guess Mitchell was easily 6'7" and a good 300 pounds. He had a long brown beard and wore a black cowboy hat and sleek black suit.

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