chapter 1 - Realization

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the story plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 14


Third pov


"DAMIAN!" yelled Bruce while ripping off his costume in the bat-cave. Bruce was angry to say the least and was giving Damian the best bat-glare he could manege. Though Damian did not understand what he did wrong. Sure he disobeyed his fathers but it was to save someone from being killed. Is that not what his father did, save people? 


There was a group of five thugs with three hostages. The thugs were being loud, auguring about who they were going to kill first. "Robin, stay here," Batman said to robin. Batman and Robin were on the roof of the abandoned building near the glass. Instead of answering robin just nodded.

All of a sudden there was a gunshot and robin was no were to be seen. Next thing you know there was robin in front of the hostages stopping the bullet by cutting it in half with his katana. The thugs knew they were there now and tried to get away but failing miserably, as batman dropped down to stop them. After tying them up and calling the police to come and get them they hopped in the bat-mobile and left.


"Honestly father I don't see what you are so mad about. I saved someone, is that not what you are about. Saving people, helping people. What did I do wrong?" Damian asked truthfully. That is when it happened, Bruce slapped him and started yelling at him, "WHAT YOU DID WRONG WAS DISOBAYING ME! YOU WORTHLESS CHILD, I HATE YOU! WHY ARE YOU SO ANNOYING!" Bruce just kept yelling at him. Calling him lots of awful things. "GO TO YOUR ROOM!"

Damian ran up to his room and did not come down for the rest of the week. He was crying in his room the whole time. Alfred came up to his room to give him his food and water for the day as well as check on him. Alfred was always very kind to Damian even when he was being mean and annoying.


After that every time someone made a mistake, whether it was Damian or not Bruce would beat Damian badly while telling him that he was a failure, worthless, annoying, that he is not wanted and so on.



"I HATE YOU!" yelled Tim as loud as he could. Damian did not mean to do that. He had to get something from Tim and screwed up, massively.


It was obvious that Tim was having an awful day because he had been complaining to everyone about all the awful things that had happened to him. After complaining about everything (what was a lot) he left for his room to finish a case he had been working on with a quick, "Goodbye."

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