chapter 14 - the first phase

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 15


Damian's sight was blurry and he couldn't move at all but he could hear perfectly. "So you are the one that brought my son here." Said Talia "Yes lady Talia, my name is Ellen but I much prefer Elly, if you wouldn't mind." Said the hazel haired woman.

"Now I did promise to give you something but it must be within reason," Talia said. Elly knew exactly what she wanted "If it's possible I would much prefer to have my sister kept out of the bloodshed that is to come." Talia nodded and answered, "what does she look like and her name I will bring her." "My sister's name is Mia and I believe I have a photograph of her" with that Elly pulled out of a photo of a little girl that looked exactly like her but had gold eyes.

Talia nodded "TEAM 25 COME HERE!!! And where will we find her?" "I do believe that my sister is in the (enter orphanage name) in the metropolis." Talia nodded one last time turned to team 25 gave them the photo and said "Well you heard her go." With a wave of her hand team 25 left to do their mission.

Talia turned around and that's when she realized Damian was awake "Oh, you're awake now." Damian just laid there. "Yes I gave you a stronger dose of the drug that the others"

"Well now that your awake I can start the first phase of the merging........ and be grateful I could have chosen anyone to be the holder of the stone but I chose you."

Well, the last bit was a lie but he didn't now that. This way it will stop Damian from running away if he thinks someone will be hurt in his place. Damian always was a self-sacrificing idiot, even if others don't see it.

Talia picked up Damian and brought him to the machine, or as she likes to call it, stage 1. The machine had two pods connected together by a bendy, silver tube.

She opened the pod and shoved Damian in the one seat that was inside. Then she closed the pod Damian was in. Talia walked to the other and put a strange stone in it.

The stone was kaleidoscope-like. Every different angle made a different picture, a different colour, and from a different time. It was the strangest thing that Damian has ever seen, and he lives in Gotham. That's saying something.

Talia closed the pod on the stone and pressed the on button. Let's say if they hadn't been soundproofed then all they would have heard was Damian's screams.

Talia walked away to do something else while this happened. Half an hour later a red light flickered on and a loud beeping began. Lots of the scientists ran out to see what's going on, all the scientists started doing things to the machine trying to stop the beeping and red light. "WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!" Yelled Talia

"Lady Talia, the boy is rejecting the stone and it's causing problems. This could create an explosion if we do not stop. We will try again tomorrow." The scientist ran off to help the others. "DO NOT STOP THE MACHINE, MY SON WILL TAKE THE STONE AND IF HE DOESN'T I WILL JUST DUNK YOU ALL IN THE LAZARUS PIT AND TRY AGAIN!!!!" (A/N: this is the part in Disney movies that they would start singing, la la la la laaaaaa) All the scientists were startled and didn't like the idea but they said "Yes lady Talia." anyway.

They all got to work again but this time only to make it more stable. Half an hour later the merging was complete. The pods opened and they saw no stone in one and an unconscious boy in the other. The scientists yelled for the doctors to come quickly and they did. They came as quickly as they could. They checked his pulse and his breathing, when they saw that it was fine for now they quickly moved them somewhere else to help more.


Somewhere else as they brought Damian to another room to help him the rest of the batboys were waking up. Alfred (who stayed out of the chaos in his special camera room) had brought them into the bat-cave and into the medical part of it. He then started trying to make an antidote for whatever the assassins injected. He got a sample from one of the dropped needles.

As he was busy finding the antidote the batboys started to wake up. First was Tim, he was the first to get injected. Then Jason. The Dick and finally Bruce. They all had blurred vision and trying to move was a nightmare but it was slowly fading.

"A-Alfred *cough, cough, cough* we're a-awake. Lit-little he-help please *cough, cough*." Alfred turned his head so fast Jason thought it would snap off. "Master Bruce, Master Richard, Master Jason, Master Timothy. You are awake." They tried to nod but couldn't, though Alfred saw what they were trying to do.

Jason looked around as much as he could but didn't see Damian. "W-where's D-Damian *cough, cough* I th-thought he wou-oud be he-here." Alfred looked down sadly "They have Master Damian. They knocked you all out with this," he showed everyone the needle "and then took Master Damian right out of our hands."

This made everyone angry. We're lucky Jason can't move right now or we would have had basically everything destroyed, Dick might have even joined in. "We're getting him back," Tim said. "H-hey wh-why c-an yo-u ta-talk Pro-per-ly / Master Timothy why can you talk properly?" Tim shrugs "I think it's worn off. I mean, I can see properly, move properly and talk properly."

That made sense to everyone. After a few minutes of waiting all of them could see, move and talk properly. "Now that everyone can talk properly we need a plan to get Damian back." Listening to Bruce's idea of a plan and giving their own input they created a plan to get Damian back.


Thanks for reading and hope you read the next chapter. Update when I can 1012 words

Goodbye guys, girls, and non-binary pals

Author-chan out  

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