chapter 3 - Help

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 14


Third pov:

Jason got out his phone and hoped 'he' picked up. "Hello, Master Jason what do I ow the pleasure" Jason grinned it was Alfred. Then stopped and blinked 'how did Alfred know it was me... Never mind it's Alfred'. "I saw Damian today. Hoped you could tell me what was going on, he didn't." Jason could feel the older man's sadness from there. After a few minutes of silence "Damian left the manor today." This shocked Jason, sure he knew something was up but he ran away. "Do you want me to bring him back? I can." Far too fast for Jason's liking Alfred answer and was not his usual calm voice it was louder but not yelling "no!" the answer confused Jason (A/N: Jason has been confused a lot today). Alfred continued "He just left he should not ever come back, let alone today."

"Alfred you make it sound like you don't want him there." Alfred sighed. Alfred was not acting as himself today. "That is not it Master Jason. How do I say this without you hating Master Bruce even more? Master Bruce, Master Timothy, and Master Dick have not been treating him right. If you see him again please look after him."

This made Jason mad not only Bruce, but Tim and Dick did something to Damian. "Thanks Alfred. Got to go." He hung up the phone and ran out of the café in hope of finding Damian. As he ran down the same ally as before, that was now filled with people he saw a girl in the same clothes Damian was in before only had darker skin and hazel hair.

Jason walked over to the girl who looked like was trying to get away faster now that he was following. "Damian is that you?" this made the girl freeze a little. She turned around and had the same green eyes. This is Damian alright. "Damian we need to talk." Damian tried to give him a confused look but it did not turn outright. Jason grabbed Damian be the wrists and practically dragged him to his closest safe house. He got a lot of strange looks along the way.

When they were there he dragged Damian inside and threw him (literally) on the couch. "So you going to tell me what this is about and how did you change looks so fast?" Damian just looked away and said nothing. "Giving me the silent treatment ha. That's ok I'm used to it." This actually made Damian look more upset. That is when Jason realized why Damian looked upset. It was because he was here. That sounded mean but think about it if almost all of your family treated you wrongly and then all of a sudden your long-not-so-lost brother, that apparently hated your family, came and dragged you away to their safe house demanding answers would you not be upset? Yeah didn't think so.

"Look Damian I know you are upset but I was worried about why my BROTHER LOOKED LIKE A GIRL AND YOU WERE ACTING DIFFERENTLY." Jason was yelling by the end and Damian looked even more upset. Even a bit scared. This confused Jason (A/N: STOP BEING CONFUSED) even more why was he even more upset now. That is when it hit him and it hit him hard. This is what the others did to him. They yelled at him. Jason stopped for a moment and asked the question he most wanted to know, after his friendly talk with Alfred. "Damian what did Bruce, replacement and golden boy do to you?" he asked it in surprisingly soft tone but Damian still flinched. It was not a little flinch though it was huge. Someone 5km away would be able to see it. "Don't worry about it Todd," Damian said quietly. So quiet Jason nearly missed it and though people don't really know it but Jason had very good hearing.

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