chapter 8 - hide and seek

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading and sorry for not updating.

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 14


Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Tim looked everywhere they thought he would be again. It had been two hours since they started looking and they could not find Damian anywhere. So they went to the one person who does. Alfred. They all knew he would be in the kitchen. Cooking or cleaning, they just knew he would be in there.

Yes, they have been taking lessons from Alfred, at least Bruce, Dick, and Tim have. They all worked to the kitchen hoping Alfred could help them. After taking lots of lefts and rights (it's a miracle that they didn't get lost on the way) they got to the kitchen.

That's when they heard something strange. It was talking? Why was there talking in the kitchen? Was Alfred on the phone, they could come back later. They were all about to turn around and start looking (again) when they heard a "Master Bruce, Richard, Jason, and Timothy are you coming in or not?"

Not bothering to questioning how he knew (though Jason did think, 'Yep definitely a God.') they walked in to find.................................................................................................................................................. Yep, you guessed it was Damian.

He had bandages from his waist up to his neck and to his elbows, there was also some around the head. He was wearing black shorts that went to his knees and a red t-shirt. When they entered the room to see Damian they all just stood frozen thinking 'this was where he was the whole time?'

Damian turned around to face them slowly (he is hurt) and looked at them. They stood like this (looking at each other) until Alfred told Damian to continue eating his brunch.

Damian started eating again and it was a lot faster than before. He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. It was understandable, what they did to him was just cruel.

Tim couldn't help but feel like he had seen Damian not long ago and they had gotten along but he 'knew' that had not happened.

Everyone sat down around the table and when he finished eating his brunch the questions flew at him "What Happened?" "Why didn't you call for help?" "Has this been where you were since you woke up?" "How have you been?" "Are you hurt?" "Where have you been?"

They just kept coming and coming and coming. Until Damian stood up. He had not answered any of their questions and everyone was worried. All of a sudden the spot were Damian was once was empty Damian was gone.

There was a note and it said, in pencil 'Hide and seek'. Everyone paled, he had hidden from them for two hours and had not been trying to. Now that he was trying to they would definitely not find him. They all started looking for him they checked every spot to hide in the manor, not just Damian's usual hangouts.

They decided on who would check were. Bruce the bat-cave and anything bat-related, Dick the bedrooms, Jason outside and Tim the entertainment rooms. They split up and started looking.

When everyone was gone Alfred said, "They are gone master Damian *Damian got out from under the table* too many questions I'm guessing?" "Yes, far too many." Damian frowned "How will I be able to watch them all at once?" Alfred grinned and it wasn't an 'Alfred grin' it was an I-know-something-the-others-don't grin

"Master Damian if you promise not to tell anyone no matter what I will show you a way to watch them all at once." Damian was surprised that Alfred had a way, but then this was Alfred. "I promise not to tell anyone no matter what."

Damian was led out of the dining room (that was connected to the kitchen) to Alfred's room. They nearly got court multiple times. When they entered the room seemed reasonably normal, but just as Damian was about to ask Alfred walked up to the wall that had nothing on it and pressed a spot on the wall and a secret door opened. They walked in and there was millions of TVs all over the room and this was not a small room it is the size of what most houses would call the master bedroom.

The TVs showed everywhere and he could see Bruce in the bat-cave, Dick in Tim's room, Jason outside in a tree, and Tim was in the miniature library.

He watched them look for hours and hours. It had been five hours since they started looking and they could not find him anywhere so they went back to the dining room and just sat there complaining about how they could not find him anywhere.

Damian being the 'kind' (N/A: Yeah sure *sarcasm*) person that he is decided to end their pain and appear in the Dining room. Damian walked in and sat down at the table. They didn't notice he was there until the pencil Dick was playing with hit him "Ow." That was 15 minutes later. Everyone turned to face him so fast the flash would be jealous.

They all had different expressions. Bruce was surprised, Dick was worried, Jason was angry, and Tim was confused. When had he gotten there?

Jason ran over to Damian and started shaking the bejeebers out of him. "WHERE WERE YOU!!!!!!?" Damian did something that surprised everyone. He laughed. Not a cocky you-will-never-know laugh, it was an honest-to-God laugh. "Hahahahahahahaha, when you all left I was under the table." They all froze. Damian. Was. Under. The. Table.

That was the moment that Alfred walked in, so before they could question him Alfred told him that he wanted to cheek on his injuries. After checking Alfred told him that "I believe that you will be okay, just stay here a few days to make sure. No robining for a week, of any type of workout/training for that matter."

Damian just groaned.           


Thanks for reading and hope you read the next chapter. Update when I can 979 words

sorry there was no update I'm trying but have been busy 

Goodbye guys, girls, and non-binary pals

Author-chan out  

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