chapter 4 - Bruce, Tim and Dick

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 14


Third pov:

"I have somethings to pick up if I am going to teach you magic. Understand?" asked Damian. Jason rolled his eyes. "I got it. I have to go some were anyway. I was going to go yesterday but fell asleep." Explained Jason. Damian just nodded, he closed his eyes and teleported away.

'Great. I should have enough time to deal with these f**kers. I didn't swear at all today. What is happening to me?" thought Jason on his way to the manor to 'talk' to Bruce, Tim, and Dick.

When Jason got there he walked (stomped) up to the front door and slammed it open, yelling "I HAVE SOME F**KERS TO TALK TO AND ALFRED IS NOT ONE OF THEM!!!" Every except Alfred ran out to see an angry Jason in the doorway. "Jay-bird." Said a surprised Dick but ran to give Jason a hug. Jason stepped out of the way.

"What are you doing her Jason?" Jason was about to answer in the sassiest way ever when an idea came to mind. "I'm here to see Damian, you f**king idiots." Everyone ground and said at the same time "what did he do this time?" This made Jason even madder.

"Can you get him? I don't know where his room is." Explained Jason. They all left to get Damian. After around ten minutes they came down. They shook their heads. A grinning Jason said, "Couldn't find him anywhere." To any normal person this would seem to be a question, this family has no normal people in it. Tim's eyes widened "You knew?" Jason nodded

"Yeah, I knew you wouldn't find him. He's not here." Everyone got into a defensive position. "What did you do?" asked Dick very seriously. Jason laughed "M-me? Y-y-yo-ou th-o-u-gh-t it wa-s m-e?" he said in between laughs. Everyone had a what-are-you-talking-about look on their face.

That was when Alfred decided to walk into the room. "I thought you were coming yesterday Master Jason?" asked Alfred. "I had a demon spawn to look after," Jason said after he stopped laughing.

'What?' Everyone thought except Jason and Alfred. Jason saw the looks the others were giving him and laughed again. Not a long as before, it was more of a chuckle really. "I bet you didn't even realiZe he ran away, did you?" The others froze. Damian. Ran. Away. And they didn't notice. At all.

"That's what I thought." Said a grinning Jason.

The grin didn't stay though. In milliseconds Jason had the angriest face with the worst glare you would ever find, even worse than the bat-glare. "So anyone feel like admit what you did to Damian you f**ks."

No one wanted to admit anything and that made Jason madder. "You don't? Here I thought you sh*ts would be proud of making your 'emotionless' little BROTHER fu**ing cry.

Bruce (Jason turned to look Bruce straight in the eyes) you would beat him senseless because he or anyone else messed up. It didn't even have to be that big and you didn't do it to anyone else. Damian's father, the one who promised to protect him from his mother hurt him.

Tim (Jason turned to look Tim strait in the eyes) you're his brother and whether he said it or not he cared for you. You were his family, his brother. You didn't help him at all. You actually helped his big bad 'father' hurt him. Why? Because you were having a bad day? Because he spilled your coffee? You were the one who put it on the floor on the first place!

Lastly Dick (Jason turned to look Dick strait in the eyes). Actually, why is only his name Dick you all seem to fit that name perfectly! You Dick, hurt him the more than all of them. You were the only one to trust him when no one else would. You were more of a father to him than anyone and you broke all the trust he had for you why? Because he wanted to know something. You are all so stupid f**king idiots.

Except you Alfie, none of this has anything to do with you at all. Idiots and you don't even admit what you did was wrong. I'm f**ked up from being at the league of assassins for the amount of time I was there for and he has lived there his whole life. Yet you accept me more than him. Idiots. You're all idiots. I said my peace."

Jason turned to leave when he added "If you ever hurt him again I swear to any God. You will not even be able to be brought back by the Lazarus Pit." He walked out when Tim said something surprising "Look after him okay."

Jason turned to face Tim. Grinned and nodded. He left after that.

Bruce, Tim, and Dick started thinking about all the awful things they did to Damian. None of them were justified. The worst thing was that he was changing and they didn't even care to see it.

"Master Damian has dealt with it all for too long. Master Bruce, Master Timothy and Master Richard you have to fix this understand?"

"Yeah and we will fix this." they all said at the same time and they meant it.

They all started trying to think of ways to make it up to Damian.


Thanks for reading and hope you read the next chapter. Update when I can 893 words

Also sorry if the characters are really oc 

Goodbye guys, girls, and non-binary pals

Author-chan out  

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