chapter 18 - The Awakening

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 15


How long had it been? Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years. Damian hasn't been tracking the time. All he knew, when getting tortured it felt like an eternity.

They had tried every single torture technique he could think of and more. At first, it hurt but now Damian's becoming even more num to pain. Soon he might not even be able to feel anything physically.

And throughout all of this torture, the stone had not awakened yet. It was still as away from all of this as it possibly could be.

Damian was getting very used to the pain and being here. Though, Damian didn't know if that was because of how long he's been here or because he started to accept that he might be here forever. For all eternity.

So when his tortures came into his cell with that wicked evil grin and glint in their eyes Damian knew he was f**ked, bad. This wasn't their usual evil smirk and look in their eyes, it was different. Even more evil than when they came up with new torture techniques.

"You are very lucky Damian. We decided to stop your torture." As they walked out of the door Damian let out the breath he was holding in, but something still felt wrong. Like there was something missing to this equation.

Then the same screen dropped down and turned on. 'OH F**K NO. YOU DAM BITCHES' (A/N: I forced him to read Percy Jackson *Does victory dance*) Damian's tortures popped up on the screen with a little boy tied down.

The little boy had tears streaming down his face. He had the most frightened look on his face. The little boy was in rags and looked starved. He already had bruises and cuts all over his body.

Damian tried all he could to activate the stupid stone that caused all of this mess. Damian struggles to get out of the hands of the people holding him down. He boy was scared, Damian knew exactly what that was like. He didn't want anyone else to have to go through that.

All Damian could do as the poor boy got tortured was scream for them to stop and try to activate that damn stone. Damian wished that they would go back to doing it to him.

Soon the little boy was killed. The torture had gone on for five hours. The little was a sobbing mess at the end. When they finished they looked straight at Damian and said "Want this to stop? Activate the stone."

It may seem cruel to others but Damian wished the little boy had been dead before the league of Assassins had got him. It was just a cruel fate to be here. It is either be strong and kill or be week and tortured. Both opinions weren't nice.

You might be thinking 'But Damian, you kill thousands of people and never seemed to care at all?.' But the thing is, Damian did care. He cared a lot and Damian actually hasn't killed that many people. Damian could count the number of people he has killed on his fingers and toes.

The amount of people he has been ordered to kill is a different story though. Damian was very good at lying. Good lying depends on the way you act, normal or different. Good lying depends on the way your facing, right or left. Good lying depends on the number of times you blink a second, 1 or more. Good lying depends on the look of guilt on your face, no matter if you feel guilty or not your face will almost always look guilty if you lied. Finally, good lying depends on the amount of creativity a person has and how quickly they can create a believable story.

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