Chapter 7 - a hurt robin

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So ahh, Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (try and tell me if he isn't a god, I dare you to) (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 14


Third pov

When Jason finally finished all of the books and he had a really good understanding of magic and magic energy. Magic energy is the essence of joining all elements through you, this is to help re-use it to do what you wish it to. If you want to use water magic you must focus your mind on water and water essence. The reason Damian told him to focus on his fingers was to make the mind think of one spot helping Jason to focus on himself.

The clock he had on his wall said it was three PM He went to tell Damian but he wasn't any were. Jason started to worry when he found a letter:

Dear Todd

I have decided to go out as robin tonight

I have left a book on spells if you wish to learn some

If not Just do whatever

If you do I recommend trying the ones on page 23 first

Kind regards


P.S if you have wrecked any of my books, not even the Lazarus Pit will bring you back

Jason knew he meant it too. He went to page 23 and started reading and trying to do the spells. Just so you know it was not easy and only got one in five hours.

That was when Jason decided to go out as red-hood as well. He felt as if something was going to go wrong.

He got dressed in his red-hood outfit and started to look for Damian when his not-so-Spidey-more-like-big-brother sense (N/A: no?) played up. He had to find Damian and quick.

He looked almost everywhere except the one place he desperately hoped he was not.

Joker's new not-so-good-hideout. Red hood got there to see Robin tied to a chair and getting beaten by that stupid crowbar and it looked like he had some bullet wounds. 'NO, NO, NO, NO!! This can't happen.' Joker being the stupid and annoying clown we all hate (at least I hope so) was just laughing that maniac laugh.

Red hood busted through the door shot Joker in the leg and ran to robin and untied him. Jason left not even staying to finish Joker. So sadly Joker got away, again.

Red hood took Robin to the one place he thought could actually help him, the bat-cave.

Robin was unconscious and looked awful. When he got there he screamed out "ALFRED I, DAMIAN NEEDS HELP!!!!!!" Everyone ran down and when they saw Damian's mangled body they started running everywhere to get stuff. They placed him down, took his mask off and started working.

After finishing (Because I know nothing about these types of things) they all stepped back away from Damian, who was looked a little like a mummy (the bandaged one stupid)

"Is he going to be ok?" asked Jason. "Yes, I believe so Master Jason. If he lives past today than he should make it out fine."

Everyone breathed in relief. They all had wanted to know the exact same thing but were too scared to ask. "Thank God... and you Alfie." But Alfred was already gone by the time he said it. "You learned to do that from Alfred didn't you?" Jason asked looking at Bruce. Bruce just nodded, he didn't really need to say anything else they all knew that Alfred was practically a god 'Mabey he is?' has run through everyone's mind he meets one point, even Damian.

"What do we do now?" Tim asked. Dick, without a moment's hesitation, belted out "Games and movie night!!!!" The others had nothing better to do (Except Alfie he always has something to do) than join in. They even managed to get Alfred to join in instead of standing in the corner watching them or find some random job to do. They played so many games and watched so many movies, they didn't realize the sun was up (It was 8 when Jason started to look for Damian/robin, 9 when he got to the bat-cave and 9.30 when they finished working on him). They had played monopoly, Uno, like a billion puzzles, watched all the Disney movies and so on.

Alfred had left in the middle of this game and movie night to make dinner, give it to them and then got ready to go to sleep.

When Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Tim finally realized the sun was up they decided to go to bed one by one until only Bruce was left. They all went reasonably quietly with a quiet "Is my room still here?" from Jason. Bruce wrote Alfred a note asking not to be woken in the morning and also headed to bed.

In the morning (and I mean 11:35) everyone had just gotten up except Alfred who had gotten up much earlier. Almost everyone gave a tired 'good morning' or just a 'mhh'. After what seemed like hours (it was just 30 minutes) everyone had, had brunch (breakfast, lunch), gotten dressed and was not the grumpiest people in the world (A/N: that is what you get for saying up that late you idiots) they went to cheek on Damian.

They all got to the infirmary to see Damian was not on the bed. They all panicked except Alfred, who had started to look for him.

They were looking everywhere (not actually everywhere, what they think is everywhere) and could not find him. They looked and looked and looked.

Bruce even called superman telling him it was an emergency. When he got over to the manor he asked what the emergency was and the conversation went like this:

"Damian was hurt last night as robin and is not in the infirmary we need you to find him."

"Are you sure he is not in his usual places?"

"No, and we have looked everywhere."

"Really well have you checked everywhere?"

"Yes now help!"

"Ok, ok. Geese"

*after using x-ray vision*

"HAHAHAHAHAHA*after caching his breath* you have definitely not checked everywhere."

"Then where is he!"

"When you find him remember to call me for the reaction you have."

"Where is he!"

"See you later then."


"Somewhere safe at least."

Them Clark Kent/superman just left and got as far away from the angry batman and worried brothers thinking 'It will be funny when they realize where he is.'

He had important things to do, he can't stay for every tinny matter even if they are funny.  


Thanks for reading and hope you read the next chapter. Update when I can 1067 words

OMG thank you all my loyal readers you are amazing. this was my first story and you all seem to like it and that just makes me sooooooooooooo happy. So thank you and I hope you continue to like and enjoy my story. Thanks again, peace out see ya.

guys, girls, and non-binary pals

Author-chan is out for now  

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