chapter 15 - the second phase

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 15


Damian slowly opened one of his eyes. The other one would not open for some reason. Anyway, when he opened his one eye he felt awful like he was run over with a bus... ten times. He was connected to a heart monitor thing. He tried to move but it felt like all of the world's gravity just suddenly turned its force on his body.

Even with the number of people in his room, only one saw that he was awake. She didn't yell it out though. She walked over at normal speed to not attract any attention. She unclipped him and moved him out of the room, somehow not noticed at all.

The lady got him out of the space where anyone can see him as soon as possible. See pretty much ran him straight to what Damian thinks is her room. When they got there the lady moved Damian in a sitting position. The more Damian stared at her the more he recognized her. It was Ellen (Elly), the lady that brought him here.

That made him struggle, he wanted to punch her, kick her, just plain up hurt her but before he got the chance to yell she said "I deeply apologize for all the unnecessary pain I have brought you and that will be brought to you. Damian Wayne Al Ghul, I understand that my apologies will most likely not mean anything but I had to apologize for what will happen to you and has already happened to you."

Damian was surprised to say the least. The assassins don't ever apologies and the one that brought him here was. Just because of that doesn't mean he is going to let this opportunity go to waste "I will accept your apologies if you tell me what is going on." Elly nodded and answered with "there was a legend that to keep things in check a stone was created by all the god's power (A/N: to explain, Wonder Woman is part of the universe and she is a daughter of Zeus. I think, please tell me if I'm wrong. Right back to explaining Zeus is the king of the Greek gods. I think you will get it now). This stand was called The Right Fate. It is believed that if you can control The Right Fate you control everything but no ordinary person can control it, only someone with amazing magic abilities like you. Your mother found a way for you to merge with the stone so that she can take over everything. Right now you are merged with the stone but will be unable to use it because you have not proven yourself to it. " When Elly talked about him and the stone being merged his hand automatically went up to his closed eye.

"Your apology is excepted........ thank you Elly." Elly smiled at him, "I must take you back before anyone realized you are gone. Also, I think you would like to know that when they realize you are awake they will make you go into a state of unconsciousness where you will see the stone and the stone will force you to face your worst fear. Be careful Damian, I do not want you to be hurt because of me." Damian nodded and Elly brought her back to the room where he pretended to be unconscious so he didn't have to face his worst fear.

But his pretending didn't have that much effect on Talia. "Oh Damian your awake, good. We can now move on to the next phase." Before anyone could say another word Talia did something like a karate chopped to the side of Damian's neck.

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