chapter 9 - Surprise

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 15


Third pov

When Damian woke up he had a strange feeling something was going to happen. Not necessary anything bad just something. The little clock next to the bed said it was 6:30. So Damian got out of bed and got ready for the day. After his normal morning routine, he was dressed in an indigo shirt and jeans.

Hungry he decided to go ask Alfred for some breakfast. When he got down to the kitchen no one was there, Alfred included. So he walked into the dining room. The lights were off and curtains were closed. The lights were never off, let alone the curtains closed what was going on. Just like that, the lights were turned on and curtains were opened.

The darkness to light switch happened so fast Damian was practically blind. Damian was ready for almost everything. An attack, a crazy fan (Damian will tell you those are the worst thing ever, worse than death), the joker.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!" Dick just so happened to be right beside Damian when they yelled it so he was the unlucky victim to Damian's surprise. Damian punched Dick right in the stomach. (N/A: I did say he was 'ready for ALMOST everything' not everything, everything. Bet you were not expecting it either were you?) "Owww, Dami that hurt."

Damian turned to the calendrer they have in the dining room. It was August the 9th, his birthday. Before Damian could proses what was going on he was practically thrown into a chair with a big cake in front of him.

Everyone was suddenly next to him. That includes Alfred. Dick started chanting "Blow a wish, blow a wish" Jason joined in "Blow a wish, blow a wish" then Tim "Blow a wish, blow a wish." Damian bowed the candles out with an eye roll. "What did you wish for?" Dick asked. "I thought it didn't come true if you told others?" Dick and Jason groaned at that. "You're just too embarrassed to tell us." Tim said to try and trick Damian to tell.

Damian would never admit it but his wish was for things to always stay like this. Damian cut the cake without any fear, there are no girls to kiss if the knife cuts the whole way through. They passed out the cake ate, laughed and teased Damian on what his wish was (they made up stupid things about what his wish was).

After the cake and the most ridiculous pun/joke battle latter ("Why are you always warmest on your birthday? People won't stop toasting you!" "Where do you get a birthday present for your cat? A cat-alogue!" "Why did the doctor say to the birthday boy when he got heartburn from eating cake? Try taking the candles off!" this went on and on) everyone moved on to play games they played pass the parcel but they changed it to pass the bomb with a real bomb (the person with the bomb is out). Stick the tail on the donkey was changed to stick the tail on the moving Jason ("Don't. You. Dare."). The last game was a piñata. After the candy came out it was an all-out tackle fest to see who gets the candy Damian got the most and surprisingly Bruce got the least (Yes Bruce and Alfred did join in the stupidly hilarious games).

When it was present time Bruce gave Damian new robin gear (bird-a-ranges, smock booms, things like that. Not a new costume). 

Dick got Damian some new art stuff. 

Jason gave Damian a box with new clothes on the top saying "he needed a new style" but move it and there is a brand new katana. 

Tim gave him a holo-glove (if any of you have seen young justice it is like the one robin has) he made himself. 

That was when Damian remembered the gift Alfred got him for this year's birthday was at his safe house (?). "Do you want me to go get it I will be right back." Before getting an answer Damian ran outside. When he got a reasonable length away Damian checked around and saw no one so teleported to his place. When he got there he got the gift and teleported back and ran in with the present. 

He had everyone but Jason wondering how he got it so fast (that's right even the all-knowing Alfred). When they opened it there was the most beautiful scrapbook with the words family on the outside.

There were pictures of Damian from baby to right before Damian left. Pictures where the whole family together just Damian with one, two or three and ones where  just Damian doing things like drawing, playing with his pets and those types of things. Everyone adored the scrap-book and Dick even tried to steal it.By the end of the day, everyone was laughing, smiling and having fun, even the supposedly 'emotionless' Damian. There was also a lot more photos to put in the scrapbook.          


Thanks for reading and hope you read the next chapter and I know I'm a real douche bag, I have not been updating so I really am sorry. Update when I can 828 words

Goodbye guys, girls, and non-binary pals

Author-chan out  

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