Chapter 20 - The Chains

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 15


Again Damian woke up on his knees. It seemed to be a habit now. Faint, wake up confused for a second, try to do something, and then repeat. Damian didn't know how he felt about that repeating cycle. Actually, Damian didn't know how he felt about anything at the moment, it was like the chains (that Damian only just noticed) stopped him from feeling.

Destiny was pulling on the chains, trying to get them off but her tinny frame wasn't exactly helping. For some reason, Damian thought the chains were really, really bad but Damian couldn't for whatever reason move to help Destiny. He was stuck in the one position, unable to move, unable to feel, and it seemed that Damian was losing his ability to think.

Destiny realized he was awake and yelled at him, "DAMIAN YOUR AWAKE!!!" Damian sure didn't feel that way. Damian tried to nod, it didn't work. He tried to speak, that didn't work either. Lastly, he tried to spread his thoughts out for her to hear, (they are in his mind, the place that holds thoughts) but again it didn't work.

Destiny frowned, Damian didn't answer her. Why, was something wrong? If there was, it had something to do with these stupid chains.

When she tried magic on them it just rebounded and hit her instead. She tried a lot of her spells and none of them seemed to work. Nothing related to magic worked, Destiny even used magic to summon her double-bladed sword, and it didn't work either. It just sent the attack right back at her.

It shouldn't have happened like that, Destiny's double-bladed sword nullified all magic. Well except these chains it seemed.

The dubbed bladed sword was a gift from one of her previous possesses. At the start, she thought it was because the lady was nice and wanted to give her a gift. It turned out to be because she didn't want to have to do anything herself and forced her to kill and hurt others whenever they wanted and Destiny didn't get a say. She was a tool, a tool isn't allowed to disobey their owners, so she did anything they said to do and if by any chance she would cry in the night about what she did, well no one would ever know.

(A/N: this is what it looks like (again not my photo))

Don't and Destiny means it don't hit yourself with magic, it's not a nice feeling

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Don't and Destiny means it don't hit yourself with magic, it's not a nice feeling. Back on track, magic didn't work on the chains and she was too physically week to get rid of these chains. Destiny was scared, to be honest, she liked Damian. He treated her like a real person, he even gave her a name!

She didn't want to lose him because she felt that he was different from her past possesses and let her control her. To be honest, control wasn't even the right word with him, not once had it seemed that he was controlling her. The closest that he even got to controlling her was when he used her powers to save all the people's lives, and it was more like he asked her to let him. He didn't even know she was alive when he though 'Please, please let me save them, I will do anything.'

Damian wouldn't remember thinking these thoughts though, he actually wouldn't remember much from the rescue of all those people, he was under her influence for the first time. Most people fall flat on their faces in the first few seconds that they were under her first influence. Somehow Damian lasted a few hours instead of a few seconds while using her powers. Never had that happened to any of her previous possesses.

Destiny's thoughts got interrupted by Damian standing up.

Destiny yelled again "DAMIAN, YOU'RE ALRIGHT!!!" but he didn't answer again, actually he seemed more dead than before. Destiny got the feeling she should run away and hide but this was her fault, she intends to fix it.

Destiny spun around and held up her hand and whispered a spell "v*rtei*o*byu*uie*rrtu*i" The spell took effect and a part of the blank space turned into something that was like a tv, only it showed the outside world, not a movie or anything people watch these days.

Destiny saw the very person she told Damian she didn't like. Talia al Ghul, aka Damian's mother 'that *enter a lot of swear words* did this to Damian'. While glaring at that *enter a lot of swear words* Destiny realized that tied around her fingers was what seemed to be red string and that the end of the string was tied around the same places the chains where.

How could some stupid red string do all this, it was idiotic! Destiny was so stuck in her thoughts that she didn't realize that something was happening. Damian launched ford and punched right next to Destiny. She was startled out of her thoughts. She looked at the tv thing, it seemed Talia was trying out what she could get Damian to do.

Spell after spell, kick after kick, punch after punch. It seemed Damian couldn't get tired and Talia seemed not to get tired of trying out what he could do. It angered destiny greatly, Damian was not some puppet for her to treat any way she wanted.

Just as she thought that Talia would stop, someone appeared and if he was here it means that the others were here. Great, just great the B-man himself was here and Talia was back to flirting with him. It was disgusting, to be honest, every time Destiny stumbles on these flirting moments she can't help but gag. Cats can flirt better, and their cats (no offense dear kitties)!!!

"Right back to the problem at hand, batman showed up, Talia started flirting, batman said no again. Yada, yada, yada and now Talia is angry and getting ready to fight. Wonderful, for once couldn't you have just sai-wait a minute if you can't get rid of the chains from in here then why don't you get rid of the string on the outside. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR FIGHT ALREADY AND ACCIDENTALLY CUT THE FLIPPING STRINGS!!!" muttered Destiny 

And then after that wonderful tribute from the tiny child (Tiny child: I will hurt you, you dumb sass-pot – A/N: I like that nickname, you may all call me sass-pot now) the fighting began.


Thanks for reading and hope you read the next chapter. Update when I can, 1072 words

Oh my lord, what is with me and short updates/never updating? Take this short thing as an apology

Oh my lord, what is with me and short updates/never updating? Take this short thing as an apology

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Goodbye guys, girls, and non-binary pals

Author-chan out  

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