chapter 24 - His Turn

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 15


After Damian got dried off and stopped cursing Jason, yelling about better ways to wake someone up, they started to think of ways to get the chains off.

"We could do it from the outside?" Said Damian. Destiny shook her head, "We have tried, I don't know if it would work or not but Talia would not let us get near them."

It was Jason's turn to nod "I'm not going to question how you knew that (because I already know) but yeah Tim tried."

"Dam," (A/N: MWUHAHA LET THE PERCY JACKSON REFERENCES RAIN DOWN) Jason jumped, Destiny got annoyed (A/N: no need to get angry because I talked) "it was because you yelled you #%*$ %%*> @)&!$ *%*+%# &@()&!!!" (A/N: I apologize, there seemed to be an error, tinny children do not swear) "I AM OLDER THAN YOU!!!" And Damian did the only logical thing to do when you hear some random voice, say hi, "Hello A/N." (A/N: hello only reasonable one here)

"Ok, ok, ok, please tell me I'm not hearing things and someone did just talk?!" Destiny rolled her eyes and said, "I'm sure I've said this before some time but whatever, that was the Author, Narrator Creator, whatever you call her." Jason thought for a second and said, " the one you were complaining about before?"

"Yes her, most annoying person in the whole frigging (A/N: don't say bad words) world." She said as she ignored A/N. Damian's turn for an eye roll "I don't see anything wrong with her."

(A/N: ha take that Tinny) "OH THAT'S IT!" Destiny jumped and punched thin air........... "Was that suppose to do something?" Jason whispered to Damian, "I don't know." After the strange laughter that seemed to bounce around everywhere stopped, (A/N: OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD. HAHAHAHAHA, I am basically just a strange voice that you can hear, you can't punch me, I don't have a physical form).

After that Destiny and A/N started to fight (A/N: firstly, we're not really fighting, it's more Des is yelling at me and I'm annoying her. Secondly, wouldn't that be child abuse? Eh who cares), Jason turned to Damian and said, "Does this happen a lot?" "From the time I've known Destiny, yes, yes it does."

They both watched Destiny yelling in silence until Jason asked, "So which one do you prefer?" Damian shrugged and answered, "I've known A/N longer soooooo." Destiny gasped and turned to Damian with her mouth open and said, "How could you?!" Damian shrugged once again and said once again "I've known her longer."

"Wait if she's just a voice then how do we know if she is really a 'she'?" Jason asked confused, both D people shrugged and said at once "We guessed and she didn't say no."

Destiny clapped and said, "Off this topic now, we have more important things to talk about (A/N: rude), be quite you, I said off this topic." Jason nodded, "We still haven't found a way to get Damian out of Talia's control."

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