chapter 17 - Definitely didn't kill him

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 15


It had been a week since the rescue and everything seemed to be in order. Well almost, Jason had this feeling that something was wrong. Like on the night that Damian got hurt by Joker as Robin.

Only this time it was worse, but every time he checked on Damian he was completely fine. Yeah, he would check the others after but for some reason he knew it was Damian.

When they questioned Damian he answered the questions weirdly. Thought it must have been his imagination because no one seemed to understand what Jason was talking about when he asked them about it.

The questions answered quickly. Unlike the overly long explanations he always gives when it comes to this stuff. That wasn't even the weird bit. He used thank you and please. Most of the time Jason would yell "It's a miracle" but he was too busy trying to figure out what was wrong.

Everyone was very proud of the way he escaped nearly all by himself. Of course, they helped a little but he did nearly all by himself. They all celebrated his escape, well except Jason and when they asked what was wrong he asked again "Do you think something's wrong with Damian?"

Everyone looked at him weirdly and said "no" then went back to dance with Damian. Another thing to add to his weird things list. DAMIAN HATES TO DANCE. But he is dancing right now, in front of him.

He also didn't argue when everyone said they were going to celebrate. He even helped do everything. Usually he would be denying and saying "not happening, I would prefer to be in my room" then they would force him to join.

Everything had not made sense though. He knew about everything that has happened. Sounded like him. Blood is the same (A/N; no he used a needle you idiot). Everything is the same, but not.

If Damian was going to trust him he needed to be able to trust him. Though Jason just can't at the moment.

Jason didn't even know why.


To be totally honest Jason wanted to grab his gun and shoot "Damian". It was definitely not him. Though it would be very frowned upon, but when has Jason ever cared.

Since Jason could not just put a bullet in him he would have to find proof. It would be easier with Tim on his side but he would have to deal with it. He ran to the. Bat-computer (A/N: still don't know what it's called) and poked around. He believed the real Damian is at Base 5 but doesn't know for sure.

Jason could probably get enough proof from going there than not, so if Red Hood stole the bat-jet (A/N: that's what it's called right?) then you would never know.

When he got out of the absolutely-not-the-bat-jet and got ready to walk. He parked the absolutely-not-the-bat-jet a fair bit away so he didn't get caught.

He was amazingly spy like and did not caught once. He used every spy trick he knew and it seemed to work. He was about to walk around a corner when he heard a quiet "How has he not snapped yet. We have tried every form of torture on him and it feels like the stone hasn't even blinked, and that hes not in that much pain"

Jason's hand clamped around the small palm-sized metal box he grabbed on the absolutely-not-the-bat-jet, (A/N: yes I am going to keep calling it that) to be honest Jason had no idea why he picked it up. Something just told him to. 'What's it called.....morals, no don't have any. Ummmmm morality, no that's just like morals. Conscience? No that's like everything else I thought of. Gut feeling, I think that's right. It was a gut feeling.'

When his hand clamped around the metal box, Jason pushed a button. The quite voice was answered with a louder voice "Yeah I know. And every torture session failed. Damian Wayne Al Ghul sure is a hard but to crack. Wait......wait a little longer.....................just a bit more............................................... I GOT IT. Let's hurt others, see if that works."

After that, the people that spoke ran down the hallway to do whatever sick thing they were going to do. Jason looked at the metal box. He unclamped his hand. It replayed everything that he had just heard. It was one of those techno-repeat-y-boxes. This was his proof, he would have Tim do his computer magic and he would save the real Damian.

He would absolutely totally utterly truly unconditionally unquestionably without doubt certainly positively incontrovertibly unmistakably irrefutably undeniably indubitably assuredly definitely not going to kill the fake Damian, what makes you think he would. What do you mean the gun he's holding, he's not..................holding..................a.................gun............. That would be stupid. Totally utterly absolutely stupid.

Anyway, Jason ran "very stealth-fully" back to the absolutely-not-the-bat-jet. He hopped in and flew back to the others.

When he showed them they were definitely not ready to kill someone. They started getting ready to go get the real Damian, and if Jason killed the fake Damian no one would know (except the people there (not saying he did it)). 


Thanks for reading and hope you read the next chapter. Update when I can 866 words

OMG I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been so busy and has very little time to write. Every time I didn't have anything to do something would just appear and be like "Do me now." Then I would have to do it and then something else would come up....... 

sorry I was rambling, what I'm trying to say is I've been busy and will, so if updates are gourd  for longer than they normally are, sorry.

Goodbye guys, girls, and non-binary pals

Author-chan out  

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