chapter 6 - Damilynn

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 14


Third pov  

There was Bruce, Dick, and Tim all there. Luckily though they were surrounded by lots of people so Jason hoped that they could just move by without being noticed. That hope went out the drain when Bruce, Dick, and Tim turned to look at them. Luck was not on their side today "Jay-bird how are you? What are you doing here? We haven't seen you in ages, let's talk." Dick said dragging both Bruce and Tim away from everyone and over to Jason and Damian (they don't know its Damian though).

'Oh f**king dam it this was supposed to be fun and how did they tell it was me. F**k this sh*t I'm out.' Jason ran off dragging Damian with him.

Sadly though Dick dragging both Bruce and Tim after them. Leaving the huge crowd behind. As they court up to Jason and Damian they finally realized Damian was there. They were trying to figure out why 'she' seemed so familiar. Dick was the one to break the uncomfortable silence "Sooooo how have you been and who is she?" Jason sighed and turned to Damian "You go ahead Dam..." realizing what Jason was about to say, he hit him. Hard. "I told you not to call me that!" the others just rose an eye-brow. Except Dick "what was he going to call you?" Damian sighed "He was going to call me dami. My name is Damilynn, you are?" asked Damian as politely as possible.

"You don't know us?" asked Tim surprised "Let me rephrase my question. Who are you to Jason?" This made them all think. Who were they to Jason? Family, friends, acquaintances, just the idiots that seem to like to try and talk to him? "Dami I mean go ahead NOW!"

Damian rolled his eyes and walked away giving Jason a look that meant see you at the food court later. Jason nodded and turned to face the others. They stood there until Jason said, "I'm surprised you didn't just belt out family when 'she' asked." It was Bruce's turn to talk "she asked who we were to you, not who you are to us. Not an easy question to answer. Though we wanted to ask you were Damian was?" time to play dumb "Nope haven't seen him. He left before I came to talk to you. What the f**k are you doing here anyway?"

"Alfred kicked us out of the house so we decided to come here." Jason nodded at that, it made sense what else are they supposed to do? "I should probably get going and meet 'Damilynn' at the food court."

Dick's big brother mode seemed to kick in. "Can I come, I mean we come?" Jason just walked away to see 'Damilynn'. There Damian was sitting down at a table and everyone could see the annoyance on his face. "What took so long?"

Jason sighed, again "I was gone for what four or five minutes." Damian blinked a few times and said back "and in that time you could have been tortured in four or five different ways. One for each minute." Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Tim all sweat-dropped at that. They all sat down and Dick and Tim started questioning 'her'. "How did you meet?" "What's your favorite color?" "What do you like to do?" "Are you Jason's Girlfriend?" and so many more.

The last one made Damian choke on nothing, "We meet somehow, red, draw and NO I am NOT Jason's girlfriend." As well as other weird questions. After that, they all got something to eat and went silent.

They all went to an arcade to play some games and Damian was surprisingly good at everything.

Jason and Damian were having a dance-off on the dance game (N/A: I don't know the name) when Dick said 'he felt like he's meet Damian before, has he?' Damian froze for a second and quickly went back to the game he was playing and said "No, you haven't." only Tim saw him freeze and thought it was suspicious. He was going to look into it.

Damian had like a billion tickets by the end of it and asked the others what to get. They all different ideas and Damian ended up getting something for everyone. Well except Bruce.

Dick got some weird Nightwing thing. Tim got some weird techno thing (why they have technology as a price I will never know) and Jason was a water gun and a fake sword for himself. After that, he had no more price tickets to spend.

Tim had a notepad open jotting down things he knows about 'Damilynn' to find out who 'she' is. It didn't have very much on it.


· Knows Jason Todd

· Favorite color is red

· Likes to draw

· Is called Dami sometimes

· Likes swords

· Likes to draw

· Has green eyes (Tim thought that this was the only thing needed to write down about his looks of some reason(smart Tim))

· Knows Dick and possibly more of the family

That was it. Now that Tim thinks about it this all seemed familiar but does not know where from. Reading over it again he added:

· Good at arcade games – especially the dance one

That was about it. He didn't know what else to put on.

They all decided to do something else. Jason got food to put in his fridge.

They walked around for hours before Bruce got a call from Alfred saying they can come back. Bide there farewells and left.

Jason thought it was time to go back as well. When they got in the car and drove off Jason asked Damian "You were acting weird today was something Wrong?"

"No nothing was wrong I as merely acting different so that they could not tell it was me. It seemed to go well don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess it did."

When they got to the safe-house they brought the groceries up and put them away. Jason was going to sit down and watch some TV but Damian (who had changed back to a boy with boy clothes) dragged him over to the books on magic.

"How do I even read these?" Jason started complaining. After he finally stopped his question was answered, "You send your magic energy through the pages and they will change to a language you know." The thing was that Jason had no idea what magic energy was. "what the f**k is magic energy."

"Magic energy is the, well when you hold your hands only a little apart you will feel what is like a tingle. Focus on that feeling and send it through the book." Jason did as he was told and when he held his hands close together but not touching there was a slight tingle he tried to send it out to the book but it didn't work. He tried again ten times. It didn't work "It's not working, it's impossible." "Try again but this time don't push it all out at the same time. Just push it slowly." Jason did just this and it worked. The words changed to English. "YESSSSSS!!!!!!!"

"Good now start reading. You have to read every one of these books." Damian got up and walked away smirking and he heard his brother's "NOOOOOO!!!!!!"          


Thanks for reading and hope you read the next chapter. Update when I can 1214 words

Goodbye guys, girls, and non-binary pals

Author-chan out  

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