chapter 2 - Todd

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 14


Third pov:

Damian used teleportation magic to get away from the manor.

There are ten manger types of magic. Fire, water, wind, earth, life, death, teleportation, sound, creation and enchantment. Fire, water, wind, earth, and teleportation magic are self-explanatory but the others can be tricky to understand.

To put it simply life magic is healing.

Death magic is bringing others back from the after-life but the person you bring back loses an important part of themself (e.g. memories, kindness, hate, love, taste and so on) but it can be brought back if they are strong enough.

Sound magic is controlling sound, you can stop someone from talking (they can try but you won't hear anything) and changing the way things sound.

Creation magic is to create things (not possible to create living things, food, water or oxygen) but only if you have something to base it off, mostly pictures or drawings (this is why Damian is so good at drawing).

Lastly enchantment magic is one of the most powerful magic types if known how to use correctly. It is the power to give an object an ability but sadly cannot be given to a living thing.

After the main ten, there are branch ones. Fire has magma and lava. Water has ice and snow. Wind has flight and weather, earth has nature and crystals and so on. The only one that does not have branch magic is teleportation.

Just like Alfred said Damian did have an idea on where to stay. It's one of his old safe houses he used when his mother sent him away for missions though it was bigger than a normal safe house with rooms for everything and can only be entered by using teleportation.

Though you can get out of it without magic. This is because of one of enchantment's branch magic's, force field. You can put a force field on a place that has a rule. For example, only get through with magic or only get out by holding your breath. Things like that and you only have to have one but you can make more.


When Damian teleported to the safe house and looked at a digital clock on the wall it was 10:32 am. Then he opened the duffel bag to find a recipe book with lots of tips in it, large containers with all different types of food in it, extra clothes pens, pencils, and drawing books. There was also wrapped up presents with when he should open them. Some said what birthday, Christmas, having a bad day and things like that. He was also given a wallet with millions and millions of dollars in, but the two things that court his attention the most was a photo frame with a photo of him, Dick, Tim, Bruce, Alfred, and even Jason smiling in it and a letter from Alfred. Damian opened the letter and it said, in the nicest writing possible.

Dear Master Damian,

If you are reading this letter it means you have left the manor.

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