chapter 22 - The Plan part 2

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 15


There were five parts to their plan and the first four were taken up by Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin, and Red hood.

Batman's part of the plan was too defeated and capture Talia then go and save Damian.

Nightwing's part of the plan was to play lookout and stop the other people from getting to Talia and Batman.

Red robin's part was to get all info he can on what they did and are doing to Damian, Talia wouldn't let others torture Damian for the heck of it.

Red Hood part was probably the hardest, physically and mentally. His part was to take out, to get rid of the Lazarus pit.

Along the way to the dungeons, Batman noticed that not many people were tasked with guarding the dungeons. That was weird, didn't they think that the prisoners would get out. Or at the very least that Damian would try?

Though he didn't have much time to think about it because he found Talia and Damian soon enough. The strange thing was that Damian was standing still, without any restraints. 'Why wasn't he trying to escape?' Batman thought, again he didn't have much time to think about it because Talia called out soon enough "Hello beloved, what can I do for you?"

"I want Damian back Talia." She laughed and answered "Well I am very sorry to tell you beloved that I can't do that for you. Why don't you just stop your useless plan and stay here with me and Damian. If you're here then so are the others, am I right? If you come out now I might even let you stay as well!"

"To bad Talia, I'm taking him back, and you won't stop me." Talia suddenly got very angry and screamed "WELL I GAVE YOU THE CHOICE!!!" suddenly Damian lunges at him with a katana that Batman had not noticed before. He was going faster than he had ever seen him. Batman tried to get out of the way but he still gets hit on the side of his hip. Batman put his hand on the cut to try and stop the bleeding as much as he could and because Alfred always said that putting pressure on a wound that were unable to be helped right at the moment was the best thing to do for the injured person.

When Batman glances down at the slash it was a long, deep cut and it was bleeding like there was no tomorrow. If he didn't get it healed soon then there probably wouldn't be.

Looking at Damian he realized his one of his eyes was closed and the other was bleary and unfocused like, like he wasn't actually there.

"DAMIAN IT'S ME, IT'S BRUCE. YOUR FATHER. YOU NEED TO STOP, WHATEVER IS HAPPENING YOU CAN'T LET WHAT IS GOING ON WIN. COME ON, STOP THIS!!!" it didn't do anything to him though if anything it seemed to make Talia even angrier.

Suddenly Damian stopped trying to slash him and went limp again. For a few seconds, it seemed that maybe he had gotten him to stop, so he walked towards Damian but then he noticed that the eyes that were closed before were opening Batman jumped back.

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