Chapter 26 - Apology

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 15


When Damian finally woke up and sat up all he could hear was his mother yelling about how this wasn't fair and that they couldn't do this to her. He stared at her blankly thinking 'If we can't do this to you, then you definitely couldn't do what you did you to me.'

"I'm going back to sleep, I can't deal with this hell right now."

Damian flopped back down as the other sonic-ed around to look at him. Dick yelled "DAMIAN!" Damian sat up again, stared at them blankly saying "No I'm f**king Satan, get your facts straight." (A/N: sorry I don't think they can do that, some can get it bi though)

Dick let out what seemed to be a cry of desperation, turning quickly to Jason and yelled, "Noooooo, you corrupted him!"

By then Jason had finished wheezing and said with a snort "The little devil corrupted himself, don't blame me." Dick turned around walking out of the room totally not crying, not seeing the fist-bump Jason gave a still half-asleep Damian.

Tim waved a cup of coffee in front of Damian's face asking "Do you want some?" Damian shook his head to say no. Tim shrugged and continued chugging it.

Jason snorted when he saw which cup he was drinking out of, it was black with the words "sleep is for the week" on the front in white.

Bruce walked into the room with a big roll of tape. Without even noticing that Damian was awake he walked over to the still screaming Talia and taped her mouth shut. With that dealt with, Bruce turned to face the others his eyes widened and he looked surprised.

"Damian your up, Alfred said you wouldn't be up for a while!" (A/N: EVERYONE SOMETHINGS WRONG, ALFRED WASN'T RIGHT FOR ONCE!)

"I might look alive but I'm dead inside," Damian said with, once again a straight face. "Mood" Jason muttered, though that probably wasn't the best thing to say.

Damian's head snapped around to look at him and said in a voice that said he would do it said "I will steal your kneecaps, shove them down your throat, hang you, and then set the tree I used to hang you on fire. Do. Not. Test. Me."

Looking around at the others Jason said, "You're not going to let him go that, right?" Bruce turned around whistling innocently. Jason turned to Tim "Don't look at me, offering my coffee earlier was my attempt to save you. It didn't work."

"Dick!" Jason yelled in desperation. Dick (who had just walked back into the room) started looking around it "Oh look at that pretty........ Chair." Saying the last big with a nervous chuckle.

"So none of you would help me!?" Jason said in an almost heartbroken tone of voice.

"As fun as planning Jason's death is we need to address the elephant in the room." Tim said looking at a still struggling Talia.

Dick nodded but got a mischievous look in his eyes "And what an ugly elephant it is." Grinning Jason joined in "I know right, it could be mistaken for something that is supposed to be in the toilet. So ugly!"

Talia stopped struggling and turned to a grinning Dick and Jason. She started glaring at them, but they just smiled innocently in her direction.

Laughing Dick said, "Your right though, we don't know what to do with her."

"I can always kill her." Jason offered

"WHAT!" Yelled Talia, who had gotten the tape off her mouth somehow. "BRUCE YOU CAN'T LET HIM DO THAT!" Bruce turned away from the enraged woman closing his eyes, covering his ears, and saying "I hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil."

"I thank you for your cooperation, this will be over soon." Said Jason in a weird fancy voice.

"BRUCE WHY WOULD YOU LET HIM FI THIS TO ME!" She screamed as she was dragged uncomfortably along the ground. "Because he's baby."

"What?" Both Damian and Talia said at the same time.

"Because he's baby" with that dick joined in "yeah you can't do that he's baby!" And that was that Talia was pulled from the room to get executed.

While Jason took care of that the others sat in an awkward silence, well except Damian, he was oblivious to this as he read a book he magically made appear (it wasn't really he wouldn't tell others how he did it). It was awkward for the others because they all started remembering that they were no better than Talia.

As the tension in the room grew Damian started to notice that everyone had gone very quiet. Looking up at the others Damian was very confused by the nervous faces.

"What's wrong?" He said confused.

Looking at each other to explain, Bruce decided that it was his turn to do the talking. "We were thinking about what we did to you."

"What?" Damian said confused again.

"How we treated you not that long ago, we haven't even apologized for it yet."

"Don't worry about it, I forgave you when you helped me after getting hurt by Joker." Said Damian as he turned back to reading.

"That's the thing, Damian, you shouldn't have. We did nothing for you to be able to forgive us but you did. So sorry, for everything I did."

"Sorry for what I did." Said, Tim

"Sorry for what I did too." Said, Dick

Though before anything else could be said Jason walked back into the room with blood on his face and grinning. "Well, that b***h is dead and never coming back!"

Then proceeded to pick up Damian and throw him at the others. Before going over to them himself and gin at them thinking 'Good, he deserved an apology'.

The End

(Or is it)


Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed this story. 967 words

Goodbye guys, girls, and non-binary pals

Author-chan out  

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