Chapter 25 - Not The Elements

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 15


As Red hood became conscious he heard screaming "re—— ——od." "RE— ——OD" "JASON, GET UP NOW!"

That was all that was needed to scare Red hood awake, just in time too because puppet Damian was coming his way. Red hood barely had enough time to roll out of along the floor out of his reach.

When he did that Red Robin quickly helped him off the floor. He did this just in time for another attack from our resident puppet. He quickly moved to the right out of the way and tripped did a summersault and landed in the splits. "OWW, OWW, OWW THAT HURT!" Red Hood quickly got up once again, to get out of Damian's way (A/N: HAHAHAHA OH MY GOD YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS S**T UP. Well you can just don't tell them that)

"So what just happened, other than your terrible gymnastics performance?" Nightwing asked as he jumped out of the way of Damian. He knew that it was probably not smart to not have asked what his plan was before but hey what could he do. If Alfred heard him using an excuse like that Nightwing doesn't know what he would do but it probably wouldn't be nice. Lucky he would never know right, right? (A/N: poor soul, I would have thought he know by now, Alfred knows everything)

"Part one of my totally awesome plan of course." He said ignoring what Nightwing said about gymnastics, and once again it was Red hoods turn to get out of Damian's way. He quickly twirled to the side (N/A: like a ballerina) out of Damian's way. Sadly he got a little cut but it gave him the perfect view of the stone and he did just what he planed. He looked down at his hand and had a quick skim over what to say again.

With that, he quickly placed a finger on the stone and said, "I force the permission of power from the right fates keeper!" He did this so fast our resident puppet master can't get Damian do hurt him again.

With another bright there stood (no not a dead Jason you strange creatures obsessed with death) Red Hood with this strange necklace and a (*error* *error* (in a weird robot voice) there seems to be someone hacking the universe/story. Destiny: NOT THIS TIME BIACH, I AM NOT A TINY CHILD) strange floating female (A/N: you are no fun (pouts)) behind him.

Destiny says with a smile "So what's the plan now?" Red Hood sweat-dropped, he hadn't actually thought this far ahead. "I don't know, I hadn't really thought this far ahead." (A/N: just so you know, yes everyone can see Destiny. Jason has not gone crazy yet) Destiny just stared at him with a deadpan face, before shaking her head and saying "Then let's try and get rid of the strings!"

Having to dodge an attack from Damian was a lot harder this time, even though he didn't have the stones power this time it was still hard for him. It felt like the stone was weighing him down rather than helping at the moment. 'Was it like that for Damian too?' "Yes, only a tiny bit less."

"Oh holy hell, you can read my thoughts now?!" Destiny nods and starts thinking about what to do again.

With this knowledge, it would make it easier to give ideas without Talia knowing what they were planning. 'What about fire?'

"Too risky, could hurt Damian." She answered.


"What do you want to do with it, drown the strings?"


"What will a little breeze do?"


"Stop just naming the four elements, be creative!"


"DID YOU EVEN LISTEN TO WHAT I JUST SAID, THAT'S NOT CREATIVE!" Yelled an annoyed pipsqueak (A/N: hey, it's not tiny child at least Destiny: I hate you so much).

'What about telekinesis, tear the strings away from her with literally just our mind?' Destiny's eye lit up with stars at that thought.

"Genius, why didn't I think of that?! Though be warned that you and Damian may or may not be knocked out after." Before Red Hood could ask anything else, Destiny's voice rattled around in his head telling him to focus on the strings.

So he did just that, and before he knew it the strings were untied from Damian and Talia and flew over to Red Hood's hand.

"Well, how was that b***h?" Red Hood said to Talia as the strange necklace and Destiny disappeared, and just like Destiny said, things started to go black for both Red Hood and Damian.

Luckily the rest of the batfam was there to go the rest, and quite literally, Alfred appeared and whacked Talia over the head with a baseball bat (where he got it or here, we will never know) knocking her out. After Alfred put her in shackles he turned to Nightwing and said, "So Master Nightwing, what was that excuse you used before?"

'Well s**t, how did he ever know about that?'


Thanks for reading and hope you read the next chapter. Update when I can, 836 words

Goodbye guys, girls, and non-binary pals

Author-chan out  

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