Chapter 23 - Into His Mind

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 15


They didn't get enough time to say anything else because Damian was on them fast. They barely had enough time to dodge, the only one who was ok at dodging Damian's attack was Batman. Though that was because he had to deal with it before by himself.

After dodging Damian's attack they went back to back again, but again they didn't have time to do anything else because Damian was on them again. Then they went back to back again.

This kept happening until Red Hood yelled out as dodging again "I HAVE AN IDEA BUT I DON'T KNOW IF IT WILL WORK!!!

Nightwing yelled back "THAT'S BETTER THAN WHAT I HAVE!"

With that Red Hood pulled out a book he had conveniently kept on him even though Damian had threatened to kill him if he got even a tear in it.

Why he brought it was on the list of 'why did I do this?'

Realizing Damian was about to go for him again Red Hood quickly jumped back and away from Damian once again while yelling "HEY NOT THE BOOK, YOU PROMISED ME BODILY HARM IF I GOT EVEN A SCRATCH ON IT, THAT WOULD COUNT AS A SCRATCH!!!"

Red Robin gave Red Hood a bit of a 'what are you doing weirdo' stare and said "You do know that he's trying to do "Bodily harm" right now, right?"

"Shhhhhhh, no one needs facts right now Red Robin."

Red Hood and Nightwing swapped places when Damian went for another attack, they did this so that Red Hood could focus on what he was doing (and do that the book didn't get destroyed)

Red Hood flipped through the book looking for the page he wanted but he made sure to watch the fight as well, can't have the book distorted can we?.

After flipping through a million and one pages he finally found the chapter he wanted: into the mind.

You're probably going "this is your plan, sorry to tell you but the tinny child (Destiny: I will kill you A/N: I'd like to see you try) has already tried that" I'll tell you now, no that's only half of his plan you, you, you (A/N: hey tinny child what's the word Destiny: idiot! A/N: not the one I was going for but good enough) idiot (Destiny: *facepalm*)

"FOUND IT!!!" Yelled Jason luckily this time he didn't need to go searching for how to say it, it told him how to say it on the page.

Having no idea what Jason was planing Talia sent Damian after Jason again, little did she know this was what he wanted.

When Damian went in for the strike Jason put his rude and pointer finger on Damian's forehead and said "u*cg%d+c*#s^v•cki"

Suddenly there was a bright light that was some new strange color that no one knew how to even explain.

When the light and color disappeared Red Hood wasn't standing there, just Damian, the rest of the batfamily (except Damian) yelled out "JASON!!!"

But weren't given much time to think about anything that just happened, the incantation, the light, the new color, and most importantly were Red Hood was because Damian quickly stood up and was at it again.

Red Robin realized now that it probably wasn't very smart to not have asked what his plan was.


Somewhere in Damian's mind was a very confused Jason. Not only was he not in his red Hood costume but there was this tinny child (Destiny: I'm going to give you one more chance to not call me that or else A/N: Well someone's not in a good mood. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the mindscape) in front of him that had an annoyed look in her face until she realized that he was awake and it changed into a soft smile.

"Ummm sorry but who the f**k are you." Jason asked, but when he did her smile changed into an annoyed look again. Suddenly she had a wooden spoon in her hand and swing it, hitting him over the head while saying "No swearing, you're just like her. I can't deal with one of her, let alone two of her."

Adding that to his list of confusing things, Jason asked, "Who are you talking about?" Looking ready to kill someone she said "The author, narrator, creator, whatever you call her. She's so annoying, I can't stand her, I don't know how Damian does!" (A/N: well that's a little mean Destiny: shut up A/N: I take it back, very mean)

Hearing the name Damian, Jason stood up quickly (he was sitting down) and yelled, "DAMIAN IS HERE!!!" The girl smiled and nodded, she held her hand out and said "Yes Damian is here, this is his mind. I'm Destiny, the stone that is implanted in his eye is me." Jason shook her hand, then said "I'm Jason."

Realizing what she said, Jason had another thing to add to the confused list, "How are you a stone, you look human to me?" "Do you want the truth?" A nod was given "I got zero idea too."

After that and a very big conversation on how she is the stone and herself, they started to walk to some other part of Damian's mind and as they did Jason started to notice the chains.

"What's with the chains?" Jason asked as he put one more thing to his stupidly long list of things that confused him.

"Those are the red strings that Talia has tied on him, she uses them to control him. I've been trying but I can't seem to get them off from the inside."

Jason nodded and kept walking, after a few minutes of walking he stopped and said, "Wait if there chains in here how do you know that there are red strings out of here?"

Destiny just turned to him and grinned, then turned around again to keep walking. While she did this Jason mumbled "Too much like Damian" before catching up to Destiny again.

After far too much walking, Jason started to see a figure in his line of sight, realizing that it had to be Damian Jason started running.

When Jason got there he saw that Damian was unconscious with the chains wrapped around him.

Jason turned to Destiny and said, "Is there anything we can do to wake him up?" Destiny shook her head and said, "If I do any magic on him or the chains it could do damage to his mind."

Though Jason picked up on something that Destiny didn't "You said magic." Destiny looked confused and answered with a confused "Yes I did?." Jason grinned and said, "Have you done anything that was without magic?" Looking even more confused Destiny answers with "I tried to pull the chains off."

Giving an even bigger grin Jason asked one last thing, "Can I have a bucket of freezing cold water?" With a wave of her hand, Jason had a bucket of freezing cold water.

In one go Jason swung the cold water on an unconscious Damian. An extremely startled Damian was suddenly woken up, this shocked Destiny. She turned around quickly and made her little tv of the outside appear in front of her. Jason mumbled, "So that's how she knew." (A/N: yep) Jason jumped and looked around for the owner of the voice.

Damian's physical form was still doing what Talia was making him do but it was quite a bit slower.

Destiny turned around to a grinning Jason and a wet and cold Damian and said "You. Are. A. Genius!!!"


Thanks for reading and hope you read the next chapter. Update when I can, 1270 words

Hey everyone, sorry (again) for not updating sooner, I am trying to update more. Also a friend of mine has started on her own story, it would mean a lot to me and her if you go and check it out, thank you. 

Link to her story:

Goodbye guys, girls, and non-binary pals

Author-chan out  

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