chapter 11 - Amusement Park

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 15


Third pov

When Damian got up he was sore all over. That may have been because his brothers were laying on his stitches, bruises and just about anywhere it hurt. Though for some reason he could not bring himself to be upset about it no matter how hard he tried to. 'you know what, I'm going to stay here and not get up.' Thought Damian, next to him were his brothers. Every one of (as Damian would put it) the idiots where asleep. On him.

Rolling his eyes he pulled a book out of nowhere (I've told you before they have been taking lessons from Alfred). It was the robin-hood book he was reading last night. He read the book there, laying on his stomach with his brothers (yes Damian does think of them like that) laying on top of him, of at least five hours before one of them woke up.

The first one up was the coffee addict. Tim got up when his phone rung, how it didn't wake the others Damian will never know. Tim got up and talked to the person on the phone (Damian thinks it was Stephanie brown). Tim walked up the awake Damian and told him "I'm going out for around two hours ok, please tell anyone who asks." Damian nodes. Tim walks out the door with a wave.

The next awake was the walking dead (N/A: yes that is what I call Jason, and yes I do know Damian died as well ok). Jason got up because of his stomach rumbled. It was a miracle that the other side of the world didn't hear him. He voiced his thoughts "You're going to have to be louder, I don't think the other side of the world heard you." Mumbled Damian. Jason just sorted. "Want me to make you something you look hungry too, who knows the other side of the world might hear you." "yes."

Jason grinned "Say please and thank you." "Oh please do get me that oh so delicious breakfast please Todd, oh thank you, my dear, dear servant. No I'm not being sarcastic at all, what makes you think that?" Damian said with a blank look. Jason walked away laughing.

Half an hour later Jason came back with two plates of scrambled eggs, bacon (Damian's does not have bacon, vegetarian remember) and toast. Set one plate in front of Damian and started eating the other. Damian put down his book and started eating the egg. When they both finished Jason took their plates to the sink, washed them up, and went to get something.

When he came back he had two markers. Handing one to Damian he got to work. They were drawing on Dick. By the end of the draw-on-Dick session he had fake mustaches, stars, the words "I'm an idiot don't listen to me" on his forehead (courtesy of Damian), and just about everything else.

"Want some help out so we have time to run when he wakes up?" "Yes, that would be best." Jason helped him out of Dick's very tight grip and they started playing would you rather.

"Would you rather be a) hated when you're alive, loved when your dead or b) loved when you're alive, hated when you're dead?"-D

"B da, who cares about when there dead? Would you rather be a) a boy that looks like a girl or b) a girl that looks like a boy?"-J

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