chapter 16 - Fake

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 15


Again Damian woke up in the room with no one noticing him but this time it felt like something was going to go very wrong and not just for him but for lots of other people.

He closed his eye and tried to get back to sleep so that Talia could not see him awake. Sadly it seems his luck was non-existent.

"Stop trying to fool everyone with your pretending. It needs a lot more practice. " Talia picked Damian tied something around his eyes and moved him to some other place. 'I get moved out and into that room a lot' but instead of getting moved to a room he was moved to the dungeon/torture room/prison cell. 'Why am I here' Damian thought.

Damian got held down on the torture table and got restrained. He tried to struggle but it didn't work. He was trying as hard as he could to get off the table when he remembered that all these people know about magic, he didn't need to hide it.

Thinking of what spell to use Damian still struggled so that it didn't look suspicious. Remembering an enchantment he once read about. It was the ability to disintegrate anything that was not living. The only problem, you can't put enchantments on living things (A/N: if you don't remember this fact is was written in chapter 2 – Todd). He needed to find something, anything. Damian really didn't like the way everyone was looking at him.

As he pretended to struggle he found a loose piece of steel or something like it on the chair. Damian tried his best to pull it off but it's hard when you're pretending to struggle and have to shake your hands around.

When Damian finally pulled it off, he got to work (A/N: was it "straight" to work or gay to work. Not sorry). He muttered the enchantment. "F'o*, p,*ri,tas et ab*u.nd,an*lia. Ha-be.o om.n,ia" The language that spells are said it is strange and stupidly hard to pronounce.

Moving the enchanted piece of steel to his palm and quickly looking around to see if anyone was looking at him. No one was, surprisingly. Damian got rid of the restraints. He moved quickly and quietly to get out of the cell so no one noticed him.

When Damian was almost out of the door (it's hard to try and stay in the shadows and it's a big cell) they noticed he was gone. "HE'S GONE!!!!" That was his F.E.A.R (fu*k everything and run) moment. He didn't care about staying in the shadows or staying quiet anymore, he just as fast as he could.

He could faintly hear a faint "THERE HE IS!!!!" As he ran he noticed he didn't know this place. It was weird because he memorized every base to the finest detail. He knew he was in trouble when he saw that his mother was behind him.

Damian was only running as fast as he was because of adrenaline. He knew he was going to have to get creative because his mother was only 2 meters away. Seeing an air-vent in front of him he took a chance. He jumped, he knew if he missed he would be in his mother's hands but if he managed it he would actually have a chance of getting out of this place.

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