chapter 19 - The Invasion

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Hi welcome to this chapter, just so you know I do not own anything except the plot, you would be able to tell if I did. Thank you for reading

Warning: strong language, abuse, violence and (bad spelling, OOC characters) more

Alfred Pennyworth = immortal God (age unknown)

Bruce Wayne = 36

Dick Grayson = 21

Jason Todd = 19

Timothy Drake = 17

Damian Wayne Al Ghul = 15


When Damian woke up he wasn't sure where he was, he knew he was in a dark room. There wasn't any light around but Damian could still see perfectly. Damian got up off the floor and looked around, there was nothing here except him. At least that's what Damian thought.

He decided that just standing there would do nothing so he started to walk around, as he walked the more lost he seemed to get. Until he noticed a shadow in the corner of his eye.

He turned around to see a little kid, that's all he could tell. After looking for at the kid for a second more he started to run up to the little kid. Worried about what the kid was doing here, Damian didn't know what this place was but he knew enough to see that the kid shouldn't be here. The closer he got the more he noticed about the kid.

The first thing to note was that the kid was a girl and that she was very small and looked very frail. She had white hair with two of the front parts tied up with a black ribbon. She had very strange eyes, the kept changing colors. Her skin was so pail Damian thought she was going to pass out or something like that. She was wearing a black Chinese dress that was just as strange as her eyes, it's pictures kept changing.

(A/N: She looks like this (again not my picture))

When he had finished walking up to the girl, she turned around

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When he had finished walking up to the girl, she turned around. She looked surprised for a second then she smiled. Thought it wasn't one of those 'who the flip are you' it was a smile for someone you have known your whole life and you were very close to.

For some reason, Damian felt like he should be suspicious of the smile but instead, it made him feel relaxed. Soon the feeling of worry started to wash away from Damian for some reason.

Not knowing what to say to the kid Damian asked her "Who are you?" The girl looked at Damian confused and answered back "You already know who I am, why ask?" Damian wanted to scream at her, how was he supposed to know who she was. Thinking of every possibility he stopped at the only one that made even a little sense. "Your the stone, the 'right fate' or something like that." It was neither a question or a statement, just a display of thoughts.

The girl smiled once again and nodded. It made sense. A non-living thing can't keep the whole of fate intact, it's hard to believe a little girl does it, let alone a stone. Shore it may be a magic stone but a stone is still a stone. Whether it has voodoo powers or not.

Damian looked at the girl with an expression like he was going to say the most important thing in the whole universe "Does the magic stone have a name?" Never mind, not that important.

Back on track the girl blinked a few times then burst out with laughter and answered his question by saying "Never in my time of having people poses me have they ever asked my name. I don't have one, I'm just a tool and tools don't have names."

This wouldn't do for Damian. she was obviously alive and able to feel emotions if she couldn't then she wouldn't have laughed before. Damian started mumbling all the names that would fit her. He came up with a bunch, but couldn't decide over fortune or destiny. "Would you prefer the name fortune or destiny?"

The girl looked surprised again and with a soft smile answered the question "Destiny, I like the name Destiny." Smiling just as softly Damian introduced himself "It's nice to meet you Destiny, I'm Damian Wayne al Ghul."

They stood like that for a long time, just smiling at each other. That is until the place they were in started to shake and I don't just mean a small wobble, I mean a full-on 10 earthquake.

The smiles stopped and they both were thrown about. Damian screamed at Destiny "WHAT IS GOING ON DESTINY?!" Destiny screamed back "SOMEONE IS TRYING TO GET INTO YOUR MIND, AND NOT A NICE SOMEONE!!!"

After not even thinking about it for a second Damian screamed out "IT'S MY MOTHER!!!" "SORRY TO TELL YOU DAMIAN BUT I DON'T LIKE YOUR MOTHER VERY MUCH!!" "YOU AND ME BOTH!!"

At the corner of the place, the mind they were in opened up and chains pushed their way in and started to tie themselves around a struggling Damian. Soon the weight got too much and Damian fell to the floor unable to struggle anymore. There were so many chains on Damian it was ridiculous.

Destiny ran over after the shaking stopped and tried to get the chains of in any way she could but it didn't work and the more they were on Damian the more they seemed to drain the life out of him.

Soon there was no longer the same alive Damian, Damian had that look that someone that was about to die had and said "I'm sorry." before collapsing once again.


Thanks for reading and hope you read the next chapter. Update when I can, 872 words

Dear lord, it is a miracle that you people haven't killed me yet for not updating 

Goodbye guys, girls, and non-binary pals

Author-chan out  

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