What if Kiara and Kovu ran away? Part 2

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Kiara was sitting there thinking, should she help her family to stop zira and save her brother, after all he has a cub also, so it wouldn't be fair to have Nya grow up without a father.

"what are you thinking about" asked kovu

"oh nothing"

"you sure"

"its just.....my dad wants to come home but he still doesn't trust you, and he wants me to help rescue my brother, but im still mad at him, but if I dont, it means his cub will have to grow up without a father"

"well if you overthrow Zira then you can be queen"


"you can undo my banishment"

"why would I want to go back anyways"

"like you said, you brother has a cub, and if he is killed, then she will grow up without a father, not to mention it would be a safer place for our cub to grow up also"

"I don't know what to do"

The Pridelands

"Is everyone clear on the plan" asked simba

Everyone nodded as the remainder of the lion guard and night pride walk off into the pridelands. Simba wasn't going to let anyone in his family die in vain. Everyone sneaked pass the boarder. Fuli and Azaad went out to scan the area, and reported back. They would have to circle around behind pride rock.

The Lion guard took the left side while the night pride would go and rescue Kion if he is still alive.

Rani and her group walked past Zira's troops and walked into a small cave, there she saw Kion, with scratches and bruises all over him.

"Kion" she said

Kion woke up and saw his mate, and ran over to hug her

"Rani, what are you doing here"

"I'm here to rescue you and take out Zira"

"are you sure this is going to work"

"of course im sure'

Just then rani and Kion heard growling and looked and saw Vitani and another group of lionesses. 

"Rani stay back" said Kion

"Enjoy your reunion while it lasts kion" said vitani "because your time is up"

Right before Vitani could attack kion and Rani, Kiara and Kovu Jumped in

"Hey, paws off of my brother" growled Kiara

"KOVU" shouted vitani "you have some nerve coming here traitor"

"well at least im doing the right thing" said Kovu

Everyone managed to take out vitani and her group of lionesses and regrouped with everyone else

"Kiara, your'e back" said Nala

"hi mom" said Kiara

"Um, Kiara why is Kovu-"said simba before being interrupted by kiara

"listen dad, I know for a fact that he loves me, just please, if he didn't he would have left me a long time ago, but please"

"alright, kovu is one of us now"

"thank you"

"I dont mean to interrupt but Zira knows were here, what do we do' said Kion

"I'll go for zira"said Kovu" everyone else cover me"

"I'm going with you" said Kiara

"no, you could get killed, our cub needs at least one of us alive"


Kovu fought his way up pride rock until it was him and Zira.

"Ah, I see the traitor has returned"said Zira

"you see me as a traitor, but im just doing whats right"replied Kovu



Kovu and Zira fought. Although kovu if fierce, Zira was more experienced. She pinned Kovu down ready to slit his throat. But then Simba knocked Zira over.

"Simba, y-you saved me'

"well i have to look out for my son in-law"

When simba called Kovu his son in-law, it gave him pride, he finally got the approval of the father of the girl he loved. now it was Simba and kovu vs Zira. Although the battle was tough, in the end, Zira died like her main universe version, by falling into a river. 

Kiara and kovu left, but this time just for a short while, they needed to grab their daughter. They introduced her to simba and Nala. Kiara and Kovu are now the future king and Queen, with their daughter as their heir, after all these years they were finally home. 

What If-The Lion Guard Season 1Where stories live. Discover now