What if Scar won? part 3

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DAY 18:

It's been awhile since our first mission. We've been raiding Scar's army for the past week and a half, hitting juicy targets all across the Pridelands. Staging grounds, POW camps, training yards, we use our knowledge of the terrain to send the overworked and stretched thin Outlanders tumbling head over heels every time. As for Janja, I think I've grown accustomed to his presence, and I'm actually starting to like him! He's not all that bad a guy when he isn't actively trying to kill you! We're making waves across the Pridelands. From what I've heard, Scar is both confused and furious with us! He ordered that any captured rebel should be thrown in a fire to burn alive. Good thing that's not happening! We've also impacted enemy morale. I hear that even the fiercest crocodile will shiver in his sleep, thinking that maybe he will be the next to have his camp ambushed. A healthy fear, i'd say!

And most importantly, we're winning over the local populace. Every POW camp we hit, we give everyone the chance to join us, and usually, everyone accepts! We've grown our numbers to the point where we can take over a small region, wait for Scar to retaliate, then hit his army in the back and vanish!

This whole thing has increased everyone's morale, and we're ready for something big. And we got something big alright! When venturing down into the caves today, me and Janja found something big: a new tunnel! Wondering where it led, we wandered through, and found ourselves in the Backlands! And who better to greet us than King Simba himself!

At first we were so relieved to see him that we said nothing. He was a bit surprised to see me working with a hyena, but once we got things cleared up, we told him our story. Told him about the escape, how Janja was helping us, and how we've been a thorn in Scar's side ever since.

"And Janja helped you this whole time?", Simba asked once we were done.

"Yeah!", he retorted. And i'm on your side now!

Simba nods. Then he tells us a story."After the battle, me and the royal family, along with some others, fled the Pridelands, hoping to receive aid from Queen Dahabu, and some others. Dahabu agreed to give us food, water and shelter, and we've stayed here ever since. Until now, we couldn't make a dent in Scar's army, our numbers were too few. At one point, I ordered an attack on the Pridelands, but we were driven off. Then, I was sure that they would follow us into the Backlands and crush us. But they never followed, almost as if they had bigger problems."

We smiled mischievously at that bit.

The King continued. "Now, though, we may have a way to take back the Pride Lands. With your help, we can create a plan to defeat them. If, of course, you are willing. I know that you've been through a lot, and if you want to stay in the Backlands, that will be just fine."

Me and Janja looked at each other, both nodded, and turned to Simba. Long story short, we're in! 

Cool, so do you guys like the new format where i dont have to wait to finish a scenario and we can jut crank out these episodes. Also on my YouTube channel (click the external link, my channel sucks) Im going to make a trailer for this book. Im cutting lg/LK footage into a trailer, you are going to like the final product, I asked my friend to edit the trailer because he is better but he said, and I quote, " WTF is this show, Im not going to even question it, just do it yourself" I need better friends dont I (he is also the only one aware of my antics on this website, but he doesn't get half of the stuff i do on here) Hopefully I can have the trailer done in a bit. So you guys can enjoy It. Also thanks Nicorozner1

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