What if Scar won? Part 4

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So this is the Last one before the Season finale. SO there is going to be a long wait because I'm trying to write this finale right.

DAY 20:

Okay, so here's the plan. Simba will take the main force to pride rock, and lay siege to it, drawing Scar's force in. Janja and me will take the secondary force and ambush them, then move in to help Simba take pride rock. Once we've taken that, we can hole up there and use our stealthy tactics to evade and ambush counterattacks, until their forces are depleted from the effort, and we can then take back the pridelands! One problem, though. Where are my friends? When I brought them up at our strategy conference, Simba admitted that, like us, he had been unable to locate precisely where the rest of the Guard were being kept.

As much as I pestered him, he held that, for practical reasons, he simply could not divert any additional resources to locating and rescuing the rest of the Guard. I begged him for hours, but he simply said that he was already doing everything possible to locate them, to no avail. He stated that it would probably take about twenty fighters to search any given location for them, and he could not spare that many.

When Janja asked about his two buddies, Cheezi and Chungu, Simba said the same thing. It made me so... angry, that he would just turn his back on people who are not just important animals, but my (and Janja's) friends, and his own son! With that, I left for the caves. I decided that me and Janja were going to look for our friends on our own, whether he liked it or not.

DAY 21, The Battle for the Pride Lands, Part One:

While the rest of the fighting was going on near pride rock, me and Janja slipped away from the fighting, and set out for the Outlands. I figured that they would probably keep the Guard there, if anything, since their control over that region was greater than back here. We snuck by a huge force headed back for pride rock, but encountered no other resistance. We arrived in the Outlands by noon, and entered what was probably the most depressing location in the universe. Janja was used to it, but I was a bit unnerved by all the bare skeletons and lava rivers nearby. I honestly don't get how he survives out there, and I don't feel like asking.

We headed for the volcano where Scar's spirit was, hoping to find answers there. At the entrance, we found two hyenas standing guard outside. We snuck up behind them and incapacitated them both, then hid them behind a rock to avoid raising an alarm. Inside, we were in for quite a surprise. Scar wasn't there. We were inside, and looked around the whole volcano, but he was nowhere.

Just when we were beginning to run out of clues, I heard Janja scream out in pain. I rushed over there at lightning speed, to find him on the ground, surrounded by at least fifteen crocodiles, jackals, hyenas and even some vultures. Without thinking, I lunged at the nearest figure, a jackal, and tackled him to the ground. The others noticed me, and about half moved towards me, but I leapt over their heads, kicked another crocodile in the forehead, and grabbed Janja. He looked up, bruised and cut in places, and shouted into my face, "It was a trap!" At that point, I thought that was a bit obvious.

I threw him over the rest of the bad guys, and jumped after him, before we both landed on the other side of the wave of bad guys. I yelled in his face, "We need to go, NOW," I yelled in his face. I helped him onto his feet, and we ran for our lives towards the volcano entrance.

"Scar! He's gone!", he yelled in my face. As if I didn't already know. But he kept yelling, obviously panicked.

"I think I know where he went! Before I came with you, I heard some rumors..."

But before he could say a word, the biggest crocodile I ever saw jumped on top of us, and we both blacked out.

DAY 22, The Battle for the Pride Lands, Part Two:

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