What if Scar Won? part 2

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DAY 4:

This is it. After about a day of wandering, being pursued by relentless outlander trackers, we found somewhere safe, and it wasn't what we expected. Remember that time Kion and Bunga ventured into a cave system and had a little adventure down there? Well, I never thought I would find myself in a cave system, too. It was late in the afternoon, and we were getting tired and hungry. Unlike before, there were only small animals, and the occasional lone gazelle around to be eaten, and even those in limited numbers. We didn't dare stop for a second, and it was taking its toll.

Considering the circumstances, you probably aren't surprised that we both burst out in joy when we found the caves. In fact, I can't remember for sure, but I might have actually hugged Janja once or twice. We tucked in for the night, and got all cozy on opposite corners of the cave (We didn't fully trust one another not to kill each other in our sleep) and just before dozing off, I glimpsed the end of the cave, or, more accurately, the lack of one. It went off into the distance, not ending in a wall, but in blackness. But we would explore that in the morning.

DAY 5:

When we woke up, we got to work. And there was a LOT of work to be done. First, we had to properly assess our situation. While I scouted the area, Janja ventured into that cave. I found that the region near the cave entrance was dense forest and thick grass for about two miles, perfect for concealing entrances and exits. We would have to be careful about it, though. If Scar figured out where our cave was, it would be all over. So... we have to outsmart the guy who outsmarted the entire Pridelands. Seriously?

Janja told me some good news, though, a refreshing change from everything that's happened recently. The caves extend for kilometers in every direction, and have exits in every corner of the Pridelands! And guess what? It's the same cave that Kion explored only a couple months ago! If we could explore it all, we could get anywhere in the pridelands undetected!

And then, there was that final decision. What should we do now? Janja suggested that we "Hide." Seriously? We can't stay here! He said it himself, we can't lose hope!

It was a little too much for me to take. I screamed at him, "No! We are not running and hiding! We are going to fight for every inch of the Pride Lands and we won't stop until we've won!" I exaggerate every syllable as if it was its own word. "E-very-inch-of-it!"

Janja curls up in terror. Okay, maybe I went too far. No, we're fighting for our, well, my home! I growl. "We're going to fight until we are free of Scar and his army! And if you decide to give in, the pridelands will NEVER forgive you!"

Janja backs away from him. I lower my tone of voice. "Do you care about these animals? Do you know their names? I do. I know all of them, and they are all imprisoned, oppressed and hopeless. They need us to do something or we will all die!" Janja takes a moment for this to soak in. Then I hit him again. "Your buddies back there? What do you think is happening to them? Scar will find out about this. He'll treat them no better than the pridelanders, because he is a tyrant! He only cares about himself, and treats animals as stepping stones! He ought to be made into a throw rug for all he's done!"

Janja nods. His expression changes. From guilt to understanding to pain. He stands up. "So we'll fight." I nod.

DAY 7:

Well, this is our first mission. We're going on the offensive. Scar is rallying his troops at the mbali fields, just south of one of our HQ's many exits. We're going to cause a flood by breaking the nearby dam, sweep their whole force away. Just a little "welcome to the neighborhood" present.

Yeah, who knew that old dam Bunga made would come in handy one day, huh? Yes, it's the same dam. Yes, the same one that broke and nearly drowned us all. We repaired it, despite my warnings that it could break again. Who could have guessed that now, I would be relying on the stupidity of Bunga's design to save the pridelands?

Alright, we're getting into position. I can see the outlanders from here! They're rallying there, partaking in what appears to be some sort of strategy conference. Consider this meeting adjourned.


Mzingo, meanwhile, discussed plans for the pridelands' new hunting policies. "I think it would be best to breed the animals we already have in captivity until the prey population reaches a substantial enough amount that we can consume meat on a regular basis."

Reirei interjects. "You want us to force female animals to have kids? No way! I know how it feels to have kids!" She pauses to brush away a jackal pup biting her ankle.

Makuu then speaks. "It's not like they have rights or anything! I'm sure there's someone somewhere that does this to captive animals! I'm sure there are people who keep animals locked in cages on display to the public!"

Mzingo interrupts the conversation. "I'd hate to disrupt such a productive debate, but there appears to be a slight issue that needs to be addressed." He points to the broken dam and rush of water pouring towards them. "Cheerio, lads! Meeting adjourned!"


The dam was hard to break at first, but we exploited Bunga's flawed design to pry out a few key rocks, and it gave way quite quickly. Hey, i'm just glad we're on the right side of this thing! Those guys were talking right through it, until one of the vultures noticed. Mzingo and his band flew off instantly, while the rest ran for it, but were swept away across the fields. I'd call that a successful mission!

"I didn't see Cheezi or Chungu there," Janja says to me. I know he's worried about his pals. I'm worried about mine, too.

Once again thank you to @Nicorozner1 for writing this. Also Speaking of other stories (no one mentioned that) SHUT UP, I want to tell you about my what if that was so long, i decided to make it separate from this. Its What if-Kion grew up with rani. Is this a shameless plug, yes it is dont judge me or else ill hunt you down AND ********************. Anyways hopefully you liked this. This chapter is over 1000 words which surprised me after i did Ctrl+c Ctrl+v on this thing. Remember to vote and tell me what you think in the comments ill just ignore them.

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