What if: The Night Pride learned about heroes of other worlds Part 3

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Peter and the Night Pride were continuing their journey back to the Pridelands. The Night Pride was quite interested in the teenager from another dimension, and were fascinated by his experiences being a superhero. Peter was even able to explained what would appear to be "supernatural" like Scar's return or Kion's roar using science, which impressed everyone, even if Bunga didn't understand half of what he was saying, which didn't surprise Fuli at all. However, the drones that Kraven sent out to find and prevent Peter from stopping him managed to find him. Kion saw some small floating pods getting closer to them,"hey, what are those." Everyone shifted their attention to the drones, and were confused as to what they were. However, Peter was familiar with what was approaching them,"how did Kraven get those drones,"Peter said, with a hint of frustration."What are drones."Bunga asked. Peter pointed out to the incoming projectiles,"those."

The drones managed to catch up with the Night pride, and started to attack. Everyone took cover from the drones, meanwhile Peter managed find a weak spot in the drones. Having this newly discovered information, Peter told everyone to go for the spot. For a while this method was effective and everyone manged to hold them off. But the drones started to swarm Peter at an intense rate, which resulted in a few injuries being caused to the teenager. They knocked him down, blasted him and threw him in the air for the most part. They were so fast that Peter barley had any time to react. Eventually it became too much for him, and out of pure instinct, he released a huge green energy blast from his body, which instantly knocked out all the drones and made them fall to the ground. The blast however used up a lot of Peter's strength, so much in-fact that Peter passed out.


Peter opened his eyes and pulled off the spandex mask that was on his face and took in a deep breath of fresh air. He looked around and saw that he was in some sort of den, he gazed his eyes outside of the den and saw the stars up in the night sky, indicating that he must have been out for quite some time,"what happened,"Bunga became excited as he recalled what happened earlier that day,"only the coolest thing ever, you knocked out all the drones at once, it was unbungaliveable."Peter sat up and looked at the Honey Badger,"how did I do that,"Peter questioned, the last time Peter was able to take out all the drones he had to mess with Quentin's controls in his helmet, but this was different, he wasn't able to just defeat all the drones that were swarming him."You released some sort of energy blast." Peter looked at the rest of the Night Pride, and they were oddly staring at him with a suprised look on their faces,"what, what's going on,"Peter questioned,"your eyes,"Fuli said, as she continued to observe them,"they're Green, like pure Green,"Rani said. Peter shook his head and made his way over to a nearby lake. He sat down and looked at his reflection in the water, it was true, his eyes were a pure Green, they were so pure, he could see the color perfectly despite the lack of the light, with only the stars and moon there to let him see,"Incredible."

"Uh I think you mean AWESOME,"Bunga enthusiastically shouted out."I guess I have a lot to explain to MJ when I get back,"Peter said as he continued to somewhat be in awe by the change of color in his eyes. Peter walked back into the den and made himself a web hammock and rested in there for the night. Eventually the sun rose up once again, and everyone instantly woke up the second the sun's light entered the den they were sleeping in.The Night Pride and Peter started to walk back to Pride Rock. As always, they would learn about each other's worlds during the walk. After a few hours, they finally arrived at the boarder of the Pridelands."Well, were here,"Peter said, admiring the landscape of the Savannah kingdom."Look, is that Kraven,"kion said, he raised his paw and pointed off into the distance, exposing the villainous hunter."Great, i get to test out these new powers,"Peter sarcastically remarked,"Kraven wont know whats coming,"Bunga said.

And thats the episode before the last one of this scenario, and then we can you know get into the good ones. Then next one is What if Kion Immediately became evil after he got his scar. This also will have 2 endings. So brace yourselves. And Im working on Some Stories that you suggested, like one where scar won is coming. And if this is good enough I can make a season 2 of what ifs. Also If these feel rushed its because i dont want half of the book based on what if but the season Finale will have 4-5 parts. And if you have any what ifs, please tell me.

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