What if Simba lost? Part 2

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Time Skip, 14 years

Kiara and Kion Spent the rest of their childhoods at the tree of life. Because of the scar still being in charge, Ono and Beshte dont exist in this universe. Fuli Does exist but lives in another area far from the tree of life. And bunga grew up an Orphan. Janja and Jasiri grew up together but in this universe jasiri is more of a jerk. Tiffu and Zuri Dont exist due to the fact that their parents are still living with scar. 

When Kovu learned Kiara left, he was devastated. Mainly because Kiara didn't say goodbye to him. Although Kovu Is practically an adult, he still hasn't forgot Kiara. He never got to tell her he likes her. Scar raised kovu to be ruthless, when he notices Kovu was upset that his best friend left him, he used the situation as an opportunity. He would tell kovu that they dont care and she never was his friend. Although Kovu mostly believed him , a small part of him still believed she was his friend.

Kiara on the other hand still felt guilty that she didn't say goodbye to Kovu. Mainly because she liked him. Every time she would see her little brother hang out with rani, she would remember her and kovu. Kion and rani were a couple for 2 years. Although this version didn't have the roar, he still helped rani with the Night Pride.

Kiara went out to think, mostly about kovu and how she basically abandoned him. But while she was walking I terrible rainstorm started. She tried to run home, but it was so bad that she was barley able to avoid getting struck by lightning. But then a tree fell on her and knocked her into a river, she tried to swim out, but the current was too strong. She eventually passed out.

When She woke up, she immediately noticed a Figure standing in front of her, so she went into an attack position. "Who are you" asked Kiara

"Im the guy that saved you" he responded

After taking a quick look at him, she realized who she was talking to


"kiara, is it you"

"yeah its me, im surprised you remembered"

"well its hard to forget the person who left without saying goodbye"


"you left without telling me, after all I did, trying to get My dad off of your back, you just leave me"


"just leave" said kovu as he walked off

Kiara was surprised that Kovu didnt want to be near her, but she was also heartbroken, the one that she loved just leaves her.

Meanwhile When kovu returned to pride rock , scar noticed his upset behavior. When he asked Kovu what was wrong, kovu told him about his run in with Kiara. Scar then realized he could capture her and get her to reveal where her family is, and end it all. He sent Vitani and a group of lionesses to go out and track down Kiara. luckily Kiara Didn't Go Far. And they managed to capture kiara.

When they brought her back, they threw her in a cave where scar could talk to her.

"what do you want" said Kiara as she noticed Scar at the entrance," and how did you find me"

"why my Son of course, he told me all about you, like how you abandoned him"

"You dont understand"

"oh but I do, after you left, kovu was depressed, he wouldn't eat, or train, he was difficult to work with.  From what i understand, friends aren't supposed to abandon each other"


"then why does Kovu see you as his enemy, and why he was willingly able to give me the info i needed to track you down"

Kiara noticed kovu standing at the entrance, and gave him a death glare.

"Now all I need from you Is the location of your family"

"why would I tell you"

"As of now you have 2 options, you can be Kovu's queen for when I pass, and your family wont be harmed, or I can have my Lionesses search for your family and they Will starve and die"

"Why would I want to marry that selfish jerk"

when Kovu heard those words, he ran off with tears in his eyes. He was upset at Kiara but he didn't want to hurt her like this. When she said she would never be with him hurt him because there was a part of him that was still in love with her. Meanwhile After a long conversation, Kiara still wouldn't budge.  So he sent out some lionesses to track down her family, which lead them to the tree of life.

And Here we are, With 1 More part In this scenario. Also the series finale just aired today. So I have an idea, remember when twitter blew up with #savespidey in august, what if we do the same instead its #savelionguard. I need to see what happens next. And 75% of the Lion Guard series continuations are mostly kionxFuli stories which is stupid, mainly because 1: It shows how immature the fanbase is and 2: Not original. No offence to KionxFuli People in general (because im also a KionxFuli person myself), but when you write a story on how kion leaves rani for Fuli, Its as boring as heck and unoriginal. Now if you excuse me, because of the immature KionxFuli fans, im going to take a cold shower and cry a little drive safe.

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