What if: The Night Pride learned about heroes of other worlds Part 1

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Lets start off on a terrible note. So really I have been sitting on this for a while and Yeah. Also Just to confirm, the animals have human lifespans, I also looked it up but IDK. Anyways this version of peter is like 94% similar to the MCU version. Also FYI this ties into the ending of my book "The Lion Guard Season 4: Legacy of the Night Pride" so go read that first.

The Night Pride, a team of warriors dedicated to defending the Tree of Life and the Circle of Life. In your universe Kion went back to the Tree of Life to rule with Rani, not knowing of the countless other worlds that have branched off from their. However in this one, it would take someone special to show them the true potential of the endless possibilities of the multiverse.

Earth URNFF-821216

Peter swung through the streets of New York, after weeks of fighting and looking at security camera's, Peter finally managed to find Kraven. Turns out he was raiding a Stark tech facility. Peter crawled into the building and found Kraven, who was messing with the tech in the room."Finally,"Peter said to himself. He crawled up on the ceiling and shot a web line at a nearby book,"Hey Kraven, read this."Peter swung the book at Kraven's face, while Kraven was distracted, Peter swung down and punched him to the other Side of the room. Peter quickly took notice of what Kraven was messing with,"hey kraven, can I play with your new toy."The hunter stood up and faced the teenager,"Go away you little child I found something else to take down and hunt."

"Ouch, what am I too difficult for you, it wouldn't be so hard to kill me except for the fact that I want to live,"Kraven Tried to get Peter away from His new inter-dimensional portal, but the teenager managed to break some of the hardware,"Hey, I thought you need a high IQ to operate one of these things."Peter continued to mess with the portal as Kraven desperately tried to get rid of the kid,"Your quips wont stop Kraven from his hunt."

"No, i think its the tight yoga pants,"Peter Did his best to stop Kraven but it was too late, their fight lead to them tumbling through the portal, along with some Stark tech, while throwing kicks and punches at each other.

Earth URNFF-923001

Kion, his mate Rani, Bunga, Ono, Fuli, Azaad, Anga, and Nirmala made their way to the Pridelands. They were running as fast as they could, knowing that whatever reason they were summoned for, it was important. The Night Pride eventually made it to the boarder, and there stood Queen Nala, waiting for them, ready to greet them,"Hello Kion, Rani, Night Pride,"Kion ran up to his mother and hugged her,"Hey mom, why did want us to come here, did something happened."Nala took in a deep breath, knowing that the news would be hard for her son to hear, but alas, she still had to tell him,"It's your father, he's severely ill, thats why I wanted your healer to come with you."Rani stepped up, and asked a question regarding the situation,"If he's ill, then why couldn't you bring him to the Tree of Life."

"He is too sick to make the journey, he is barley able to stand up or even eat,"Rani nodded, showing that she understood the reasoning behind her decision. Everyone began to walk to Pride Rock. Kion and Rani walked up to the den. When they walked in, they saw the king, laying on the ground, coughing. He wasn't doing well, which worried Kion,"how long has he been like this,"Kion asked."For about a week,"his sister Kiara explained to him. Rani looked at Kion, seeing the fear in his eyes. She of course could understand why he was feeling like that, since she lost her parents at a young age. She walked next to her mate and nuzzled Kion to confort him.

Later Nirmala examined Simba, and after some careful examination, she determined that they needed to retrieve a special herb. The herb wasn't available in the Pridelands, but a whole field of the herb grew in a field that is approximately 2 days away. Vitani and her Lion Guard volunteered to go get the herb, and immediately they went off to retrieve the herb. But despite the fact that Simba had a huge chance of surviving, Kion was still afraid that his father won't make it. He hoped that nothing could make things worse. But Kion became distracted from his thoughts when he heard some lightning. He walked out of the den and he looked up to see what was making the noise, and he saw a portal open at the top of Pride Rock, and there came falling Peter and Kraven."KRAVEN, I THOUGHT WE ESTABLISHED YOU CANT TAKE ME TO OTHER DIMENSIONS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION SLIP,"said the teenager, trying to dodge Kraven's attacks against him.

Kion and the Night Pride watched in awe as Kraven and Peter Fought. Although he was confused, Kion was also amazed by the suit Peter wore, along with the abilities that he displayed while watching him fight Kraven. He was super intrigued by the fact that Peter was able to shoot webs and stick to walls,"Kion, who is that,"Bunga asked his best friend,"I'm not sure, I think he is some sort of spider person."Bunga scoffed at Kion's assumption,"uh he has 4 arms, and spiders have 8,"Fuli rolled her eyes at him,"Wow, Bunga actually knows something,"the cheetah remarked. Bunga pointed at the fight taking place on Pride Rock,"but look, he is super strong, and spiders are tiny little bugs that can easily be squashed." Everyone observed Peter, and it was true, he did display elements of increased strength,"Spiders are actually very strong for their size, so if a spider was the same as, whatever that is, then it would be difficult to squash it, common knowledge really,"Ono pointed out,"Ohh, i still dont get it."

Everyone continued to watch Kraven and Peter fight, the fight got even more increasingly violent, as Kraven was determined with his goal, and really wanted Peter to stop from getting in his way. Kraven aimed an extremely strong Punch at Peter, but the teenager quickly dodged the punch and instead, he hit the side of Pride Rock, which caused a small crack that glowed green to form."Whoa, what is that,"Peter said, observing the glowing crack,"Kion and the Night Pride were also intrigued by the glowing crack, and began to make their way up to Pride Rock."I have found it,"Kraven said to himself. The hunter began to approach the crack, and Peter quickly shot a web line at kraven, he jumped and pulled on the web line, launching him towards kraven, and kicked him."Sorry Kraven, but I dont trust anything glowing green, in fact I dont trust you with anything glowing green."Peter did his best to stop Kraven from getting to the weird crack but Kraven had an advantage, he pressed a button from a device he stole from the Stark facility, and part of an Iron Man suit began to form around him, so he had an advantage against the web head.  

"How is he able to react so quickly,"Fuli said, noticing Peter quickly dodging most of Kraven's attacks,"you're just jealous that someone is faster than you,"Kion remarked at his friend. Peter attempted to do a jump kick against Kraven, but he quickly grabbed his leg and he started to slam Peter on the glowing crack really hard. After a few more hits, the crack released a huge energy blast. The blast was so powerful, it launched Peter and the Night Pride so far, it would take two days to make it back to the Pridelands. The blast had also managed to launch Kraven in the opposite distance from Peter, which meant he also would also take two days for him to make it back to Pride Rock. Peter laid on the ground, unconscious and was glowing green. He began to wake up and his glow fade away, he took off his mask and sat up,"Where am I."

Oh cool. Also I the episodes from the outline still exists, i just added a few more because your recommendations, and if this does well, we could do a season 2 of what if's. Now I just wanted to get this spidey crossover out of my head. If you have a what if scenario, pls let me know

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