What if Kion and Fuli Fought? Part 2

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10 years later

The Lion guard was no more, But at least Vitani formed her own lion guard. But the main reason why was that Kion left. And everyone was Mad at fuli, EVERYONE. Fuli felt guilty for breaking Kion's heart. She would cry every night hoping he would come back, but he didn't. She eventually decided it was time, time to find the one she loved and bring him home.

She ventured out, hoping that she would find Kion. The journey took her weeks. It was hard surviving, but she wanted to find Kion, apologize and tell him how she feels about him. But after all that traveling, she passed out. Then she woke up and saw she was at a mountain pass. She didnt notice it when she passed out so this was a surprise for her. She walked through and was then a lion walked up to her

"who are you" he asked

"I'm Fuli, im just passing though, i mean no harm" she replied


Then she noticed the scar on his face, and his facial features, it was him, Kion.

"Kion, is it you"

"yes it me, what do you want" he said in a stern tone

"I came to find you" 

"well congrats, you did, now leave'

"Listen, i get that you are mad for what i did back then, and im sorry, and I know"

"know what"

"that you love me"

"I LOVED you"

"yes, so-"

"LOVED, past tense"


You might be thinking this is the part where they make up and fall in love. Clearly you forgot what book you are reading.

"Fuli, I fell in love with someone else"



"What does she have that I dont"

"Well for starters, she doesn't judge me on my worst mistakes or makes me feel worthless"

"Kion, I'm sorry, now please, come back" said fuli tearing up"I love you"

"Well I dont'

"please, we can run away, just the 2 of us and-"

"I cant"

"why now"

"Dad" said a small cub as he walked up to Kion "who is she"

"No one, lets go" said Kion, then he turns to fuli" Like I said, I can't"

Fuli was heartbroken, she traveled all this way just to be abandoned by the one she loves, She walked off sad. She decided to rest for the night outside the tree of life barrier. When she woke up, she saw from a distance the cub from yesterday, it was his son, she also saw a lioness with a blue marking on her head which was similar to Kion's. She realized she was Rani.

Seeing those 2 made her furious. Then something snapped in her. She thought they took him from her, but if they died in an "accident' Kion would be heartbroken, and would be with her, Forever.

So she decided to wait until they were at the right spot, then she caused a rock slide. She smiled to herself at the thought of her and Kion, with no one to take him away from her. Rani and her cub noticed fuli and tried to call for help, but she just stood there smiling. They were about to die when suddenly Kion roared at the rocks, and made them land somewhere else. Then he walked up to fuli angry

"What the heck"he yelled

"w-what I did-"said fuli trying to make an excuse

"save your excuses, i know what you did"


"you thought killing my family would mean you get to be with me, but your'e wrong, i will never be with someone as selfish as you'

"but Kion"

"You are banned from the tree of life, and never return'

Fuli ran off crying. Her attempt failed, and now Kion sees her as a selfish jerk. In this continuity Fuli didn't find anyone else, she had no mate, no cubs, and died alone. But in an AU of this AU, she fell in love with azaad.

Well that was short, but at least its ORIGINAL. Were nearly halfway done with this season.

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