What if Scar won?

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This episode was written by @Nicorozner1 So thank you for writing it and check out @Nicorozner1 's book Bad Blood. So here is the story.

The war against Scar wasn't an easy fight to win. In your universe the Lion Guard persevered and managed to defeat him once again. However in this world, they wouldn't have the same outcome.

Universe: Earth URNFF-923359

DAY 1:

The battle was short and decisive. They assaulted us and drove us out of our so carefully constructed fortifications, flanked us, surrounded us and crushed us. Overkill? To Scar, there's no such thing. At first we made counterattacks, then last stands, then surrenders. And now, here we are. Locked in cages, caves, and anything else those guys could throw together that would hold someone.

"Hey, Fuli?"

It's Kion. He's holding up pretty well, which is surprising, since they locked him up in a little cage with Bunga. To me, surviving fifteen minutes with him is a miracle, so a night and a day with him logically should damage his mental health beyond repair. Even if it was repairable, Rafiki wouldn't be able to do anything. He's still at pride rock, recently renamed Scar's perch (Yup. Most modest lion ever.) but the only reason he's still around is because the outlanders need help licking their wounds. And besides, injured prisoners don't make very good workers.

"I'm fine, Kion. Holding up in here like the rest of you."

He nods, then turns to stare at a passing jackal. I recognized him from the day before. Watching him lead a pack of troops through our lines, screaming and clawing all the way left him a nice cozy corner in my memory. Bunga feels the same, and sticks his tongue out at him.

Well, at least we have space to pace around a little bit. Beshte was tied to a tree so he couldn't move a muscle, and Ono's tied to some branches. They gagged them both after they complained too much.

I'm sure you're thinking "Why doesn't Kion Roar everyone away and escape?" Well, it's more complicated than that. Scar's a clever guy, and deprived Kion of water for about a day, and now just gives him enough water to survive. Why? Because now, he's so parched it hurts his mouth just to speak. He couldn't roar if he tried! Once, he did, but the only thing that came out was an anticlimactic blow, which caused a little drizzle and some wind. Bunga called it the "Light Breeze of the Elders." Even if we did get out, there's about thirty veteran outlanders waiting for us out there, and the Roar wouldn't be available to blow them away.

I've noticed that Janja and his hyenas have been looking at us funny recently. Almost like they feel sorry for us. Well, I've worked with hyenas before, and at this point, i'm willing to take any help I can get. Speaking of hyenas, I wonder what's happening to Jasiri and Mdoa, with the rest of the resistance. Last I heard, they were in the outlands, being interrogated and tortured by Scar himself. I hope for their sake that that's just a rumor.

None of my other former comrades are doing much better. Some are sulking, some are pacing, some have already been shipped off to the Outlands to do labor for Scar's army. The war left a lot of damage unfixed, and who better to do that than us? The ones responsible for the destruction? Nah, to those guys, logic is a thing of the past. They force others to clean up after them just so they can destroy everything all over again.

Hang on. I just spotted Janja moving towards us. I hope this isn't an execution, because if it is, well, needless to say, that's bad. But what he says to me is something else entirely. He looks both ways before saying anything.

"It's hard for me to say this to you guys, but I'm looking to switch sides."

DAY 2:

Long story short, we're escaping. Apparently, Janja had heard that Scar was planning to kill off him and his clan, as he suspected that they were traitors, and indeed they were. Turns out, for the whole war, he was anonymously feeding us information via coded messages. Basically, while the rest of the outlanders' backs were turned, he would go over to Jasiri, tell her some important information, and she would swear to never tell a soul.

Now, this would explain a lot. Now that I think about it, Jasiri is probably out in the Outlands getting interrogated for this exact reason! And besides, there are just too many information tips Jasiri has given us over the past few months to be just her and her clan gathering the intel. They would have to have someone on the inside feeding them the data! He apparently trusts us with this information because, well, he thinks we're the good guys. Well, he got that right!

Now Janja feels like it's time to make his move, and by that he means MOVE. Scar has gotten wind of his operation, and besides, he never really felt like listening to a giant fiery lion spirit hell-bent on world domination, because, well, he has a head, I guess. Can't say the same for the rest of that guy's cronies, though. Taking that into account,our best bet is to run fast and long into the night, before they can respond, or even know we're gone.

We're leaving tonight. Janja's boys are gonna let us out, then it's up to him and us to run like the wind, far as possible, before anyone even misses us. Hey, that's something I can do!

DAY 3:

Welp. That didn't go according to plan. Turns out, Beshte isn't the greatest at stealth, and, despite everything else going exactly right, he somehow managed to do the otherwise impossible and alert every outlander within two miles to our position. He accomplished this by tripping over a rock, falling down a small hill whilst screaming at the top of his lungs how he broke his ankle (Even though he merely scraped his knee) which, in turn, disturbed a huge bee's nest, causing Bunga to break out in delight and start stuffing himself with honey, which then caused the bees to viciously sting Kion, which caused him to A: scream in pain, and B: fall unconscious from the excess of stinging.

Everything went downhill from there. Janja jumped in a river and held his breath, which you have to admit is not a bad strategy, and I did what I did best, and ran after him as fast as my legs would carry me. Everyone else tried to do the same, but were quickly apprehended by about a dozen jackals and crocodiles. Ono tried flying away, but a squadron of vultures were on top of him before you could say "Run!" They didn't see me, though, due to my inherent stealthiness (and everyone being too pre-occupied with a kicking and scratching Bunga) and Janja, with my reluctant help, climbed out of the river, where we hid in some bushes 'till the outlanders were gone. After that, we decided we would have to go on without them.

"It's kinda weird, being on your side for once. Even if that is the losing side. Don't worry, i'm used to losing." he says to me. We are crossing a flowery, grassy field, keeping low to the ground to avoid detection, not that anyone's around to detect us.

"Yeah. Weird feeling." I'm still moping about what happened. After all, it's hard for you to see your closest friends attacked and captured by vicious outlanders before your eyes.

"I know you're upset. But if I learned anything in all my years of fighting you, it's that you have to keep going. Don't give up, no matter what life throws at you." Kind words. Might be the first he's ever said to me. I know he's right. We have to keep going. If we lose hope, if we stop, everyone I've ever known will probably die. Or worse. And to do that, I have to trust this guy, at least for the time being.

As you can see this person is better than me so im threatened. Im also insecure but then again im like that on a daily basis. Though I like the idea where you guys write the story (scenario has to be simple so it wont be long) If you want to then let me know. Once Again thanks to nicorozner1 for writing this.

What If-The Lion Guard Season 1Where stories live. Discover now