What if: The Night Pride learned about heroes of other worlds Part 2

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"I dont know,"said Bunga. Peter looked to where the reply came from, and he couldn't believe his eyes,"and thats a talking Honey Badger."Peter said."Of course I can talk,"Peter pulled out a pair of smart glasses with a light blue tint. He put on the glasses and was relieved that he still had a connection, despite the fact that he was in another dimension."EDITH, where the hell am I,"Peter asked the A.I. Edith took a bit to load, and she did give Peter a description of the universe that he was in,"wait, no no that can't be, how can be here,"Peter said to himself after reading the description. He was in disbelief, the fact that he was in another dimension in general was a lot to take in."whats going on,"The Honey Badger asked,"maybe we should start by asking who are you,"Kion said. Peter turned and faced the Night Pride,"Im Peter, or Spider-Man,"Peter explained to the talking animals,"whats a spider-Man,"Fuli asked."Well Uh i got bit by a radioactive spider and now I have the abilities of a spider."

"I thought spider bites just make you sick,"Rani pointed out,"the spider that bit me was different, also may I ask who are you," Kion stepped up to Peter,"I'm Kion, former leader of the lion guard,"Peter raised an eyebrow,"whats a lion guard."

"The Lion Guard is the team that protects the Pridelands, and the Circle of Life,"The lion explained to the teenage human boy,"Ok I get it now,"the rest of the Night Pride stood next to Kion,"and this is Bunga, Azaad, Fuli, and my mate and Queen Rani,"Kion said, introducing his friends,"wait, you two are King and Queen,"The teenager questioned,"well, yeah we are."

'Question, where did you come from,"Bunga asked,"well, I come from another dimension,"Bunga, along with everyone else was confused about the concept of "another dimension" in general,"what,"Bunga said, expressing his confusion. Peter realized that he would have to find a new way to explain this to the Night Pride, he stopped to think, and he quickly came up with a simple way to explain this to the Night Pride,"so you know what the Earth is, right,"everyone nodded,"isn't it the the big rock we live on,"Kion said. Peter nodded,"yes, and up there in the sky, there is space and the stars, and outside of space, or your universe, is the multiverse, a place where there are different versions of Earth, countless possibilities, there can be a world where you never lead the lion guard, or where we never existed in general,"Peter explained in the simplest way possible,"can you draw it out,"Bunga requested. After a few more minuets of explaining, everyone was able to understand the concept of the multiverse,"Now do you get it,"Peter asked. Everyone nodded at him,"yeah I think we understand."

"Thanks for the lesson but how do we get home,"Fuli pointed out,"we don't have Anga, so we don't know where to go,"Rani said."Hang on one second,"Peter said.Peter jumped on a nearby tree, and began to climb to the top of it. Once he climbed to the top, he pulled out his E.D.I.T.H glasses, and scanned for Pride Rock. Once he was done, he swung down," I found Pride Rock, if we leave right now, we can make it back in two days," everyone was impressed by what Peter just did,"how did you do that,"Peter took off his glasses and held them up,"these are the E.D.I.T.H glasses, they can do a lot of things like scan for locations, they dont increase my sight, but they tell me where things are and how to get there."On their way back to the Pridelands, everyone asked a lot of questions about Peter's world, everyone was curious about what it was like compared to their world. Eventually it was getting dark and everyone found a place to rest for the night. Everyone went to sleep but Kion was having a hard time sleeping, he was thinking about his father, and how there is a possibility that he might not make it. Peter was about to rest for the night, but he saw Kion sitting there, looking up at the stars,"hey, are you alright,"Kion shrugged his shoulders,"not really,"Peter sat down next to Kion on the cliff, overlooking the landscape that is below them,"whats wrong."

"It's my dad, Simba, he's very ill and........he might not make it,"Kion began to tear up at the thought of losing his father, and Peter felt bad for him, and understood his fear,"listen, I know how it feels to lose someone who taught you so much,"Kion looked up at Peter,"really,"Kion said. Peter nodded at him,"Yeah I remember dreaming about

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