Recreating the Past Part I

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Chapter 5

(following anime episodes 30 and 31)

Part I

          It was the middle of the night when Hanako went out to search for Yusei and since all kids went to sleep, Crow decided to do some business while Hanako's out, so that he can surprise children early in the morning when they wake up. He went to a Security building's storage area in search for new cards opening the card boxes full of decks that were captured and taken away from people that ended up in the Facility.

"There's good stuff here", he smiled with satisfied expression running all over his face. He placed the deck in a bag he carried with him and moved to another card box with cards leaving his Blackbird outside just few blocks away where Police was keeping everything in order when they bumped into Crow's Blackbird.

          "We received information that a mysterious D-Wheel is parked at A2 block", the sound on a handheld transceiver was heard.

"Roger. We're heading to that location", policemen went out to check it but when they arrived, they had no idea what to do.

          "This must be it. I've never seen this type before", said one of them.

"Why is it parked in a place like this?"

          "Have no idea..."

While they were arguing about the strange D-Wheel parked near the Security building, Crow was sniffing through stuff that were confiscated from lawbreaker and gathered in card boxes.

          "I can also use this! Leaving it here would be a waste", he said to himself after he saw a good deck hidden inside one of the boxes. He remembered how right here he found the deck that Hanako has now. It was a good deck, stolen from elite family from Neo Domino City, so card in it were very rare and powerful with Hanako's ace monster Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, she was able to win most of her duels and escape from the Police. And even though there were duellists much stronger than her, Police was never in that group of people, so Crow could easily let her wander around Satellite without any fear she'll get caught and there was that guys Ushio, who seemed to be protecting her all the time but Crow had no idea why. And while he was thinking about it all now, policemen were trying to move that strange runner away but it opened two metal boards that looked like wings and started moving it around like it was trying to fly.

"What?" One policeman shouted.

          "What is this?" Another one tried to touch the runner to find a turn off switch but light electricity ran through his spine.

"Let's tow it away", they both agreed on this idea.

          State of the runner just made it harder to move it from that spot but they somehow found a way without any idea how Crow was still stealing cards from Security building. His smile never faded away, as he was looking through the boxes full of duel monster cards.

"I'll take this, too!"

          Policemen managed to bring a single car hauler and take away Crow's runner, so his duel disk started giving him a signal how his Blackbird has changed its position.

"As expected, they brought it for me", he was satisfied with how this situation turned out and it was time to go back home, "With this much baggage, I can't use the street that I came in", he was looking around trying to find a way to exist the building but without any way to go out with the bag full of cards that was now half his size, he stepped away looking through the dark hallway when he put his goggles on and saw laser security rays that were supposed to trigger the alarm if you touch them, "May you be blessed, Baby, for these gadgets", he shouted when he remembered how Hanako made those goggles for him just to try to stop him from getting into trouble he was already in or at least to help him get away easier.

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