This is Where We Finally Meet

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Chapter 27

(following anime episode 93)

----> and a little Demotivational Poster MEME, because I don't feel like drawing these days 😝

          Only few days were separating Team 5D's from their first battle on W.R.G.P. tournament and everything seemed to be ready. With their riding suits prepared, their runners having new engines and programme incorporated, all that was left was to wait for the sun to arrive tomorrow above the horizon, and the tournament can begin! And just when everything seemed perfect, Yusei received a call from Security to bring Bruno to them in order to have a little chat with the guys. In attempt to help Bruno gain his memory back, Yusei asked Hanako to come with them, so she accompanied the guys to the Public Security Maintenance Bureau, where Ushio and Mikage were waiting for them.

"I see", Ushio growled silently, muttering with disappointment in his eyes, "So your memory hasn't returned yet?" He questioned with his eyes locked on Bruno, while Hanako and Yusei were sitting on Bruno's left and right side each.

          "Yes", Bruno answered with a deplorable tone in his voice, bowing his head in shame, "I can't remember at all..."

Seeing his reaction, Yusei decided to speak up, "Wasn't Security able to find any clues?"

          "We inputted his fingerprints and photograph into the database, but", Mikage tried to explain, keeping a serious expression on her face, but her face contours soon gave up and were altered into disappointment and pity, "There was no file!" She added, as her words explained sudden change on her face, while she placed a file on the table, showing Bruno his profile that showed no successful results in their database.

"Is that so?" Bruno murmured silently with his voice abruptly fading away into thin air.

          "In any case... The investigation will continue!"

Ushio's words immediately made Hanako smile with her face all lit up, "Does that mean we can keep him, Gramps?" She shouted, almost squealing at Ushio, while her bright smile was followed by a happy and cheerful shimmer in her dark sapphire eyes.

          "Well", Ushio tossed quickly, moving his eyes to Yusei, "If it's OK with Yusei..."

"Please!" Hanako followed the path of Ushio's eyes' focus, moving her gaze to meet Yusei's, pleading him with both her voice and her eyes to accept this one little wish, so she can spend more time with Bruno. She really grew attached to him, because she was spending more time with him than with Yusei, since he was busy with helping Aki around her homework and riding skills. And being around Bruno was not that bad, in reality it wasn't bad at all: they were talking about mechanics and were enjoying late night conversations about engines, so Hanako was not willing to let him go so easily.

          "Yes, leave it to me!" Yusei nodded with a smile curled around his lips, soon followed by the same expression on Hanako's face, because hearing the news made her facial expression to reiterate Yusei's.

"I knew it!" She shouted chirpily, leaning her body against Bruno's arm, wrapping her hands around his neck, "Thank you, Yusei!" She whispered, feeling her heart dancing in sheer happiness inside her chest.

          "B-Baby", Bruno's voice started stammering at her gesture, making his cheeks to turn slightly pink, "I am not Yusei", his voice kept leaping, while Hanako cuddled him in the middle of the meeting room, "He's the one you should be thanking like this!" He slowly moved his head towards the direction where Yusei was sitting, seeing him chuckle at what he seemed to be seeing, making Bruno realise he has never seen Yusei like that.

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