To Pearson With Love Part II

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Message from Hanako: This will have Part III, because Pearson deserves more love 💕

Chapter 26

(following anime episode 95)

Part II

          Three years ago, back in Satellite while Hanako was living with Crow under Daedalus Bridge, taking care for the kids and Robert Pearson was alive, Hanako was with Pearson in the hangar where he used to work on his D-Wheel. Kids were usually playing him a visit every single day with Hanako and sometimes Crow, but today she came to him alone, because Crow promised the kids to bring them some presents from Security, so they stayed home, waiting for Crow to come back. She would do anything to be with Pearson, so she sometimes knew to sneak out of the house when Crow was not there, just to see Pearson and work with him on his greatest project: a D-Wheel from Satellite parts that will amaze people from Neo Domino City! And since Pearson promised Hanako to show her how to install engine and transmission to the frame, she was even more excited about visiting him today, than any other day before. She was working hard and doing her best, just to learn as much as possible from Pearson, knowing how he was skilled and experienced in a lot of things, especially in mechanics.

Pearson was sitting on the floor with Hanako sitting in front of him, between his spread legs, so that he can supervise her actions from behind. "Perfect!" He said with a bright and handsome smile on his face, watching how Hanako was able to attach the engine to the runner frame, "Now remember, before installing the engine and transmission, always make sure to remove all paint and powder coats on engine mounting points!"

          "Got it!" She nodded her head, as she took spacers that were different in size, combining them together, "So now I need to place motor spacers here!" She said, putting them on the primary back off of the engine and transmission, while Pearson was just sitting behind her and watching her work.

"Beautiful!" Pearson said, feeling so proud of her work, even though he was finding it hard to believe how a girl her age could be so talented and skilled when it comes to the engine construction. And to think she looked so cute and innocent, he would never tell that she was into something that was considered a man's hobby. Satellite was full of guys and D-Wheels were something only Neo Domino City had in possession. Even if someone would have a stolen runner in Satellite, it would always be a guy, and with each day, Hanako would simply take his breath away with her skills and how fast she was improving, "Now here you have some bolts to tighten things up!" He said with a smile, as he moved his right hand over her waist, showing her few bolts on his palm when he opened his hand.

          "Thank you!" Hanako looked at Pearson's palm, seeing few bolts on it, so she moved her hand to the bolts and wrapped her fingers around them, feeling her fingertips touching the skin of Pearson's palm, making her heart to skip a beat, even her cheeks started blushing. She knew the last time she felt like this was when she was hanging out with Yusei and talking to him about mechanics, D-Wheels and duelling, but to think she will be able to feel the same way again... Especially after Kiryu died in prison and Yusei stopped being the same person as before! Hanako turned her head to the right, wanting to meet Pearson's gaze, but before she was even able to look over her shoulder, she saw how Pearson already had his eyes locked on hers with his face leaned over her right shoulder. Hanako's heart suddenly stated beating faster, feeling how her nose touched Pearson's, making her remember that cold night in Satellite, how she almost kissed Yusei and how she thought he was going to confess his feelings towards her, but then Crow interrupted them, because Kiryu attacked Security on his own... And even though she was clearly able to remember that night and her heart was beating faster, it wasn't racing at the same speed that it raced when Yusei looked deeply into her eyes. Regardless of that night, Hanako was feeling different and somehow special... She was looking deeply into Pearson's hazel eyes, while his steady breathing was mixing with hers between their faces into a sweet, warm breeze that made her soul feel warm, so she kept blinking her eyes at first, not realising what was going on, as her thoughts were still stuck in that cold night in Satellite she spent with Yusei.

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