Old Friends, New Friends Part II

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Chapter 12

(following anime episodes 60 and 61)

Part II

          After winning his duel against Carly, Jack ran straight to her and took her body into his embrace. She fell from her runner and was badly hurt. While looking at her, Jack new what's coming up next, so he felt his heart cry out in pain, "Carly! Just hold on! Don't die on me!"

"Jack, where are you?" Her body was weak and without her glasses, she couldn't see a thing. The only thing she could feel was warm hands, holding her tight, so only her legs were touching the ground.

          "Here! I'm right here!" Jack said desperately.

"How strange", Carly murmured, "I can't see anything!"

          "You have to hang on!" Jack said reaching to under his coat, to the pocket of his shirt, taking Carly's broken glasses out and gently placing them on her face, "Look at me!"

A small smile showed on Carly's face as soon as she looked through her glasses because she saw Jack in front of her, "I loved cheering on people who tired their hardest like you, Jack! Despite that..." She was fighting the weakness of her body, "Because I tried to wish for such selfish happiness, I must've been wrong for doing so, huh?"

          "That's nonsense! Everyone has the right to wish for happiness!" Jack answered like he was slightly irritated by her words, but then decided to be honest with her, "If you're saying that's a crime, then I'm just as guilty!"

Carly looked up to meet his eyes, " Jack... I know you'll save the world, right? I'll be cheering on you, after all!" She raised her hands to wrap them around Jack's neck, so after realising her intentions, Jack pulled her closer, placing her head onto his shoulder.

          "Carly..." He whispered trying to stop himself from crying. He hugged her tight, not wanting to let go, but her body started disappearing, turning into the dust.

"I love you, Jack..." She finally whispered before she was all gone and only thinking about it made Jack suffer. He clenched his fists after he tried to search for Carly through the wind, like he was hoping she's still there. The way he was, he knew there's nothing more he can do, but to seal the tower and try to find everyone else. He got up to see the sky with purple sparkles falling down to earth like snowflakes.

          "She was the one, who made you change, huh?" Jack heard calm and familiar voice giggling behind his back but decided not to turn because he didn't want anyone to see his face.

"Yeah..." Jack murmured. He never thought he'll open his heart to anyone or even admit how he fell in love but he knew very well how he couldn't lie to Hanako, as she was standing behind his back, looking at him struggle.

          "Love is a magical thing, isn't it?" She raised her head to see purple sparkles that were actually people's souls coming back to life after Jack defeated one of the Dark Signers.

"What do you know about love?" He answered irritably.

          "Because..." Hanako took a deep breath, gathering the strength to say it out loud, "Just like you, I lost the only person I ever truly loved..."

"What are you talking about, Baby?" Her words made him turn to her.

          "Robert Pearson..." She murmured before she looked at Jack's eyes, "That was his name..."


          "You heard it right", she managed to put a small smile on her face, "He was one of the best there was! He was a great duellist, just like you Jack!"

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