No Way Out

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Chapter 35

(filler between episodes 110 and 118)

          "That jerk!" Hanako kept walking around the tombstones from destroyed Neo Domino city, angrily muttering into her chin, riled up by fake Yusei's words and his false intentions of changing the Future by force, "If he thinks he can keep me here forever, he got it all wrong!" She kept mumbling to herself, disgruntled by the situation she was in, trying to figure out how to leave this scary place and return back to the real world, knowing Yusei was probably dead worried about her! "These cursed chambers are killing me!" Hanako kept just muttering to herself while exploring her surroundings, searching for anything that could lead her to some clues of how to escape this nightmare she was living in.

"Hanako!" She heard Yusei's angered voice echoing through the sky like he was observing her from above, like the clouds themselves were the speakers from which his voice roared all around her, making her body to shiver in fear, so Hanako turned around in attempt to check her surroundings, but was unable to see this fake Yusei anywhere. Realising he was nowhere to be seen, she just got back to what she was doing in the first place: running away from his voice.

          "Screw you", she shouted bluffly, "I'll find my way out of here... Like it or not!" She threw furiously like she was having an argument with her invisible friend, because there was still no one around her. Not wanting to bother with that fake Yusei and all his stupid selfish plans, Hanako just kept running through the tombstone cemetery, seeing nothing but cold stones and city in ruins, with horizon sitting above them like there was no end to the chaos around her. "There must be a way out of here", she whispered as soon as her body came into a halt, so that she can reflect on the scenery surrounding her, when she saw a soft and dim piercing light shimmering in the distance and forcing a soft smile on her face what made her believe she found what she was looking for. After approaching the small light, she slowly started balancing her vision, understanding what she found, "A mirror?" She whispered confusedly with a puzzled look on her face, while she kept blinking at the tombstone that looked different from other stones she found under these ruins. It was raised higher from the ground and it was way taller than her, so she looked up to observe it better, finding it strange how she couldn't see her own reflection in it.

"Baby!" Hanako flinched right after she heard Yusei's angered voice echoing all around her, but then she took a deep breath and moved closer to the mirror, placing the palm of her hand onto it.

          "I wonder what this could be", she mumbled to herself, while her eyes kept exploring the glass tombstone standing before her, "Maybe I can see Yusei from here!" She said weakly and curiously, before the glass flickered lightly and showed Hanako the vision of Yusei visiting her in the hospital, sitting on the chair next to her body, "Yusei!" She smiled warmly when she saw him, feeling so overwhelmed and happy she finally found the way to reach him, but he didn't react to her voice, what soon made her face to fall, "Yusei... Can you hear me?!" Hanako raised the tone of her voice, lightly tapping the mirror and trying to break her way through to him, but nothing happened. "Oh, come on!" She protested, displeased and disappointed by the situation she was caught in, hoping this wasn't the dead end, not after she has come this far! "Yusei, please!" She resented desperately, wanting to reach Yusei and let him know she was not dead nor comatose, she was just taken to another dimension and was kept hostage here, on the other side of the mirror, unable to escape or even let him know she was alive, but as she looked at Yusei to see if he reacted to her voice, her eyes widened and softened the moment she laid her eyes on the scene from the mirror. "The flower", Hanako muttered into her chin, watching Yusei taking the Scrap-iron flower from his pocket and placing it into her hand, making Hanako's heart to melt soothingly at his gesture, remembering the moment she gave that flower back to him, just so that she will make sure he will return back alive from his fight with the Dark Signers, "He remembered!" Hanako's soft lips curled into a warm smile at the memory of it and the fact Yusei never forgot about the Scrap-iron flower she returned to him, bringing her back to the strong determination of breaking through to Yusei and making him hear her voice. So in attempt to make her intentions reality, Hanako started tapping the glass frantically, hitting it harder and harder with her clenched fists, trying to do anything she can just so Yusei can hear her voice, while at the same time keeping her eyes focused onto the scenery in the mirror, "Yusei, please... Hear my voice!" Hanako shouted, desperately wanting for Yusei to hear her voice, but he was still ignorant towards her actions, so seeing the situation not changing at all, out of frustration, the tears started gathering in Hanako's eyes. She was overwhelmed by the disappointment she was feeling after nothing happened no matter how hard she tried, what made her body weak and her heart to slowly start losing the last ray of hope she had left.

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