Three Emperors of Yliaster Part II

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Chapter 33

(following anime episodes 109 and 110)

Part II

          Caught in the duel with Placido, Yusei was cornered both mentally and physically. He was questioning his own skills and his own strength, while being chased by Placido's combined D-Wheel, chasing him to hell of sorrow and defeat; and as the duel kept going, his opponent just kept throwing traps one after the other, slowly destroying every single spark of hope in Yusei's heart.

After activating his Trap Card, Wise A3, Placido was able to send his Wisel Attack from the field to the Cemetery and Special Summon Wisel Attack 3 (ATK 1 600 / DEF 0) from his hand, what helped his Meklord Emperor to power up once again, boosting his Attack points and rising them up to 5 400! "Its attack went up again?!" Yusei muttered into his chin, trying to cope with the fact he was slowly losing the duel and every advantage he tried to pull out, while Placido just kept pushing him towards the ground.

          "Not just its Attack Power!" Placido roared in response, pleased how the duel was going so far, as Yusei's fear kept feeding his exquisite delight of seeing him suffer, "Due to its Effect, if Meklord Emperor Wisel attacks a Monster in Defence Position, you are to receive Piercing Damage!"

"What?" Yusei's body shivered for a second once Placido's words reached his ear, consuming all of the hope he had left.

          "Formula Synchron has 1 500 Defence Points, and you have 3 300 Life Points!" Placido shouted joyfully, enjoying the advantage he was dominance, "If you were to receive an assault worth 5 400 Attack Points, your life would instantly fall to zero!" He added, before he declared an attack towards Yusei with his Meklord Emperor ready to crush his opponent to death.

"Trap, activate! D2 Shield!" Yusei reacted furiously, still giving out his best and refusing to give up regardless of the huge disadvantage he had in this duel, "It doubles a Defence Mode Monster's Defence power until the End Phase of my turn!" He explained, as the Formula Synchron's Defence Points doubled, lowering the damage he received, so his Life Points, instead of being completely drained, reduced to 900. And even though Yusei sighed in relief, because he was able to escape this turn, Placido started laughing manically, taking Yusei back to reality, where not even his defence was enough.

          "Barely holding onto the remainder of your life in that desperate attempt is befitting for the conceited insect you are!" Placido smirked proudly, "Skiel Carrier 5's Effect activates! When one of your Monsters is destroyed in battle, you take another 300 points of damage!" He shouted angrily, as Yusei's Life Points lowered even more, reaching 600, as the impact of the attack shook his D-Wheel, making it hard for Yusei to balance it in the high speed he was driving at.

"I activate D2 Shield's Effect", Yusei muttered heavily, balancing his D-Wheel the best he could with heavy panting pressing his chest, "If the Monster it's attached to is destroyed, I can draw one more card!"

          "What a splendid dance you weave, Yusei!" Placido roared dangerously, enjoying the action before his eyes, "Truly befitting for the writhing worm you are!"

"The way this is going, I'll be beaten in no time!" Yusei muttered through his thoughts, trying his best not to let Placido get through him and shake his determination to turn the tables around in this duel. So he just drew a card he was allowed to due to the Effect, while Placido was just observing his struggles with a smirk.

          "And you're going to continue dancing", Placido hissed vehemently, roaring through his teeth, while spreading the hate and disgust he was feeling towards the humanity, "But not just you! All of humanity will dance in accordance to their fate just as they have danced since the beginning of the time!" He added with his eyebrows furrowed, like he was trying to make Yusei suffer by the way he was piercing his appearance with his glance, "All of you, but Baby! We will create another fate for her!"

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