Let's Call it a Date

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Chapter 19

(following anime episode 75) 

          It was another early morning in Neo Domino City and Yusei was gathering some stuff in the garage, placing everything on the pile, when Hanako ran down the stairs, seeing him turn the entire garage upside down.

"What is going on here?" She murmured, not knowing what hit his head.

          "I'm building a D-Wheel", he answered, still concentrated on reorganising the stuff.

To Hanako, it looked like he started thinking about something that was closely connected to this new D-Wheel building thing, so she became curious, "What for?" She kept looking at him, wanting to know what he was thinking about.

          "Aki asked me to go out with her", he said, not even moving his look away from the pile of materials, but then he added, "You know", realising how it sounded like it was a thing, "For a walk to talk to me..."

Hanako didn't seem to be surprised by his words, "Talk to you about what?"

          "The world I see in Riding Duel. The world I feel", he answered raising his head up to see Hanako.

"So I guess she's up for her licence?" Hanako raised an eyebrow, making Yusei nod.

          "That's why I want you to help me build a D-Wheel for her!"

"I see", she murmured, looking at Yusei like she was not sure about the idea, but then she suddenly smiled brightly, "OK! Let's do this!" She shouted happily, jumping towards him, ready to start with their work.

          Her actions surprised Yusei at first, as he thought she wouldn't be happy about the idea, but then he just smiled back getting back to the spare parts pile, "Thank you, Baby!" He took few materials from the pile, "I got this from Junkyard yesterday. It should be enough to make a simple runner for Aki to practice", he explained, showing parts to Hanako.

Hanako blinked few times, exploring the pile with materials with a smile, "Just what we need!" She answered with a wink, checking everything that Yusei gathered. He was really determined to build this runner for Aki, which made her both happy and sad at the same time, but she didn't know why and regardless of how she felt, she was ready to be there for him just like he was there for her, so she pulled herself together and started working on building a new runner out of scraps.

* * *

          "All right", Yusei smiled, getting the last part ready, "It's all tuned up!" He said, looking at Crow and Jack, who came back home in the meantime.

"We did it!" Hanako smiled happily, cleaning her hands with a cloth, letting out a sigh of relief.

          "You did great, Baby!" Yusei looked at Hanako, giving her a smile, when suddenly steps could be heard from the entrance into the garage, so all four of them moved their eyes to the staircase.

It was Aki. She was holding her helmet pressed between her left arm and her torso, wearing very tight and sexy red-black leather outfit, making all three of the guys stare at her in awe, but Hanako couldn't help but feel slice of jealousy cutting through her soul like a paper cut, so she tried to kill it with a smile, "Way to go, girl!"

          "Lookin' sharp!" Crow shouted excitedly after he whistled at Aki's appearance.

"You are what you wear, they say", Jack added, making Aki's face turn slightly red, as the colour of her cheeks blended perfectly with her outfit.

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