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Adam's POV

       First I open my eyes then I felt such a strange breeze- oh wait that actually just happened...

       When I blink open my eyes the first thing I saw shocked me. A pink sky?

       I swear to god if I'm pink to..haha, a pink sky

       I slowly look around and see bright green grass and lollipops everywhere. Dear god its beautiful. I notice three figures slowly starting to move next to me. Then it hits me.

       "Jason, Ty, Tyler?" I ask, totally stunned at why they were here, and come to think of it, how?

       "Owwwwww..." Ty said, rubbing his head. "The hell happened to us...Wait...Adam?" he questioned me.

       "I'm not the only one who's confused, and there are others." I replyed.

       "The fuck Sky!? Why are we here? What did you do?!" Tyler yelled at me.

       "Woah woah, calm down dude, we can figure it out together, at least we all know each other, and how bad can it be? Their's fucking lollipops everywhere." I replied, slightly offended that Tyler blamed me first.

       "Ahhh!!!" Jason awoke with a start. "What. The. Hell. Happened?" he demanded.

       "We're about to find out..." Ty said, he seemed to be the most calm of waking up in the middle of a lollipop feild and not knowing why, surprisingly. I mean, I'm kinda good with staying here.

       As soon as we all stand up and brush ourselves off, we take a good look around in groups. Jason and I were paired together, apparently because I was to crazy to go with anyone else and we would just spend the entire time laughing. However, Jason and I found zip.

       "Got anything?" Jason asked, being the normal down-to-earth self, at least one of us was normal.

       "Actually, yeah!" Tyler said, he was...happy?

       "Well, show us the way," I said.

       After a minute of walking, laughing, and getting hyped up on all the sugar from the giant lollipops, we finally got to it.

       "Ta-da!" Tyler said. He pushed out the last bright green bush and used his arm to point. In front of us was the most incredible thing I've ever seen. It was a massive vybrant green field with a long path of rainbow colored blocks going through it. Their was more lollipops and candycanes and gumdrops and pretty much any other candy you can desire, all of it being brightened by and magnificent neon pink sky with curly white clouds in it. It was gorgeous. But honestly, there are no words to describe the beauty it is.

       "Ho. Ly. Shit." I said in a state of awe, I swear my mouth was open so wide it almost touched the ground.

       "You can say that again." Jason said, a look of shock in his blue eyes. He liked this as much as I did and no poker face he can pull off will hide it.

       "We do good?" Ty asked in the most innocent voice he could muster.

       "Yes, very, very good." I couldn't keep the shear shock out of my voice, this was amazing.

       "Well, lets go explore it!" Tyler said. "Don't know until you try it!"

       We all ran down at high speeds, Tyler tripped and fell halfway down.

       "Just pretend the last 10 seconds didn't happen." Tyler said, rubbing his head.

       After five minutes of trying not to laugh and walking down the hill, we finally got to the bottom and to the path.

       "Wait just a second...That grass was candy!" Tyler said, after what seemed like a moment of realization.

       "No way," Ty said, he bent down and picked up some grass and promptly shoved it down his throat. "Yep, it is!" he said after a moment of chewing.

       "This place is awesome!" I said after grabbing some up and chomping down.

       "It sure is!" exclaimed a voice from behind me. "But that's the thing, you haven't been here all that long, don't just jump to conclusions!"

       We all turned around and gasped.

       Oh shit...

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