Fashionable and Hysterical Stuff

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 I glided high in the air, happy to be free from ceilings and over growth. I breathed in the air, but then I stopped and did a double-take. I felt for my helmet. I could have sworn I had put it on before I went downstairs and briefed 'The Merome Squad' about what had happened. Now, it seemed that it had vanished. Again. I flew back down to Adam and Ty who were laughing back and forth and talking about...I don't know but something.

 I landed in front of them and walked backwards. I needed to figure this out.

 "Do you know where my helmet is? Or...where it keeps going?" I questioned,

 "Not a clue, but I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed the fact that it keeps going off to nowhere." Adam stated,

 "Do you think Kennan has something to do with it? Or the King?" Ty asked,

 "I don't know." I replied. I shrugged it off, my helmet kept coming back after a while, right? I shouldn't worry if it'll happen again.

 We walked onwards. Jerome and Mitch walking in back to make sure nothing snuck up on us, while Adam and Ty walked in the lead. Tyler was pretty much sleep walking. I was left flying in the middle keeping an eye on everything to the side. Nothing really happened so I flew a bit higher to get a look at the clouds. I ran my hand through one and it evaporated instantaneously. The cloud was soft to the touch and seemed to have a melty feeling. It was almost soothing.

 I flew back down and landed next to Tyler. He looked at me with hazy green eyes. It clicked with me for a second."Have you realized that we embody the four colored from the game?" I wondered."," Tyler replied, looking at me with wonder and confusion.

 "Well, I've seen studies for the characters stereotypes. Like, Red is angry and untrustful, while Yellow is happy and adventurous." I said, eyeing Adam and Ty in front of us.

 "You're saying that Adam is the yellow player, and Ty is the red one?" Tyler looked dumbfounded at the realization.

 "Yeah, Yellow, happy, adventurous, and friendly, clearly Adam. Red, untrustworthy, dark, suspicious, that's how Ty's been acting lately right? Green, enjoyable, pleasant, kind, I think that one's you. Blue, calm, insightful, smart, probably me. Weird right? Not to mention those are our eye colors." I looked at Tyler, who seemed to just have had his mind blown.

 "Oh my god, I never thought about it...It's true though...That's so wicked." Tyler blinked at me.

 "...I know right, he was totally RIPed."

 "Don worry, The Benj got some good chops on him!"

 I drifted into listening to Mitch and Jerome's conversation, it was about some random Hunger Games on some random server, where they killed some random people. Boring in my opinion. I wanted this all to end. For Ant to come more death. I sighed, a long and deep breath. I crossed my hands behind my head and stared up. The hot pink sky burned holes into me but I was too deep in thought to care.

 Then something happened. I tripped. Hardcore tripped. Like, flailing down a cliff trip. I tumbled into a field of lollipops. I sighed again. Lollipops? This place got more messed up by the minute- no...second. I rolled onto my back, totally defeated. Hunger Games, Cops and Robbers, and countless other minigames, nothing had been so exhausting as I looked towards the cliff I had just fell down less than a minute ago, Adam was sitting over the edge choking on laughter at my expense. Mitch and Jerome had just jumped, yes jumped, down next to him. Tyler and Ty were wearily climbing down.

I did a cool rolling jump to get to my feet with my remaining energy. It failed. I stumbled forward and Mitch and Jerome caught my arms before I did another face-plant. I looked back to Adam and at this point he was crying, tears streaming down his eyes as laughter suffocated him. Then he suddenly lost his balance when the rocks under him cracked into dozens of pieces. He rolled sideways down the cliff, still laughing. His figure landed right next to Ty's left foot. Adam stood up, attempting to end his laughing crisis. Then it started all over again, the sound of his laughter echoing off the high walls that hunched over us.

As soon as we got Adam to stop the tears from raining down his face, we all just mutually agreed that we should sit in the new-found shade and eat a bit...even though it wasn't healthy at all.

I leaned back and stared at the vanilla clouds gliding through the sky without a care with the disasters that had occurred on the earth they hovered over. I wanted to be a cloud. I let out yet another sigh. However, nothing came out. I hadn't drank any water in about a week and my mouth was a complete dessert. I could tell the others were feeling the overwhelming heat as well. I abruptly stood up. All the heads turned to me.

"I've had enough of this!" My voice sounded awful, I sounded like a chain-smoker, I cleared it so it sounded a bit more...normal, "I'm going to find water," I walked off before continuing my speech, I didn't have enough water in me to keep ranting about how sucky this was...besides, I already know they were thinking the same thing.

That's when I saw it. A stream. I real one. Water. That's all I could think of. I ran up to it and dumped my head in it. I chugged as much water as my body would let me. I opened my eyes to see a school of Swedish Fish swim by. A smile was plastered on my face as I let the water soak in. Then I remembered I wasn't a mudkip.

I flipped my hair back in a majestic style and gasped for air. I fell backwards and lied there, refreshed. My eyes shut and the stream's sound lulled me to a deep sleep...

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